NAIT Applied Research- Advancing clean technology and sustainable development.

Summary of the technology

NAIT’s applied research is focused on the advancement of clean technology and sustainable development. We strengthen economic sectors that are anchored in Alberta’s and Canada’s rich natural resources.

NAIT’s multidisciplinary researchers help you realize your idea and share it with the world. We work with organizations of all sizes to develop proposals and apply for funding to get projects off the ground.

NAITs Productivity and Innovation Centre (PIC) is a 190,000 ft2 interdisciplinary workspace equipped with laboratories, analytical facilities, simulation facilities and classrooms for technical training of industry practitioners. PIC provides a flexible space built to evolve with industry needs.

NAIT applied research centres include: Centre for Boreal Research, Centre for Culinary Innovation, Centre for Grid Innovation, Centre for Innovative Media, Clean Technologies Team, Boreal Forest Plant and Seed Technology Access Centre, Technology Access Centre for Oil Sands Sustainability and Technology Access Centre for Sensors and System Integration.

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)

Details of the Technology Offer

As a trusted research partner, NAIT works with industry and communities to develop solutions tailored to their specific needs. We work in partnership with you to help realize your idea so that you can share it with the world.

Our belief is that industry should retain all intellectual property for commercialization, allowing companies to increase their economic contributions and remain globally competitive.

We provide a variety of services, such as:

  • Access to specialized facilities or equipment
  • Analytical testing
  • Field studies
  • Grant proposal development and/or funding support
  • Hiring students for projects, hands-on-learning opportunities
  • Pilot studies
  • Prototype development
  • Technical training
  • Technology and/or environmental scans
  • Technology needs assessment
  • Technology validation
  • Method or process development

Learn more about NAIT applied research: Research Areas - NAIT Applied Research

Related Keywords

  • Protecting Man and Environment
  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Sustainability

About Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)

As one of Canada’s leading research polytechnics, we help industry create and improve processes, technologies, and services. Our tailor-made solutions address complex problems industries are facing, positioning us to drive greater impact for our economy.

Alexandra Frederickson

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