Ultrafast quantum random number generator

Summary of the technology

UVIGO and ICFO have jointly developed a novel system for the random generation of numbers exploiting an elementary quantum optics process. This physical random number generator is based on the quantum random phase noise of a single-mode laser, which is transformed in random amplitude pulses and subsequently detected using a fast photodiode.
Innovative aspects and advantages

University of Vigo
University of Vigo

In comparison with current random number generators:

• Generation of numbers at a very high bit rate in the order of Gb/s.

•.Creates truly-random numbers

• Decrease the coherence time

• Avoids the use of phase modulators.

Commercial applications and Potential users This invention has direct application in cryptography, gaming and lottery industry Industrial partners are being sought to collaborate through a patent license agreement.


Tel. 986 812236

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Oficina de I+D

Tel. 986 812236

Fax 986 812 140 uvigo.es/otri

Intellectual property status

  • Granted Patent
  • Patent application number :Patent status : US, CH and ES applications

Related Keywords

  • Quantum Informatics
  • Engineering
  • Physical Sciences and Exact Sciences
  • Physics
  • research

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