COLIVE: A digital health solution to collect innovative real-life data for cohort studies and digital biomarker development

  • Jeremie from Luxembourg Institute of Health
  • From Luxembourg
  • Responsive
  • Innovative Products and Technologies

Summary of the technology

Luxembourg Institute of Health has developed Colive®, a health data collection app that provides a 360° view of participants with real-life data (consent, questionnaires, voice, wearables data, etc).
The Colive® app is the ideal tool for clinical and epidemiological cohort studies, for remote patient monitoring and for the development of digital biomarkers. R&D cooperation and commercialization agreements are sought.

Luxembourg Institute of Health
Luxembourg Institute of Health

Details of the Technology Offer

The Colive® app is intended to help researchers, pharma companies, and contract research organizations (CROs), who need one comprehensive solution to cover all their data collection needs. The solution is particularly useful for clinical and epidemiological cohort studies, remote patient monitoring, and for identification of novel clinical endpoints and novel digital biomarkers. It also is perfectly suited for companies in the field of medical devices or health-tech innovation wanting to validate their technology with high-quality data collected from the field. The app is modular and fully customizable to fit any research and existing workflows. It collects various real-life data such as consent, questionnaires (electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs)), voice, images, wearables data, GPS, and timestamps with a user-friendly and appealing interface, and can register and manage participants for longitudinal data collection.

The Colive® app is already being used in national and international epidemiological studies in order to identify digital biomarkers and improve medical care for patients. The studies using Colive® yielded significant results and identified candidates for vocal biomarkers to diagnose Type I&II Diabetes, and to predict a patient’s risk for long COVID.

Features: Colive® works on Android and iOS end devices, and as a progressive web app to maximize the ease of use by the participants. More specifically, the application allows the researcher to create questionnaires with various input types: dropdown, checkbox, radiogroup, rating, text questions with text or numeric input, voice recordings, or image capture. Questionnaires are displayed to the end user in an intuitive chat format. Data quality is enhanced with built-in internal logic/input controls while generating the questionnaires. The application was developed with privacy by design principles and to comply with GDPR with its mandatory informed consent prior to data collection and other security measures. The collected data can be stored at any defined location, depending on the project’s specifications. A central study management module is currently being developed. The study management module is a user-friendly non-coding interface for researchers to customize the study setup, design questionnaires, track participants, manage schedules and notifications, as well as customize dashboards for real-time data visualization. Luxembourg Institute of Health institute is looking for co-development partnerships such as R&D cooperation agreements as well as partnerships for the commercialization of the product.

Contact us to include Colive in your next project and boost your data collection strategy!

Desired business relationship

Co-development and implementation of the solution

Current development status

Working prototypes

Intellectual property status

Other forms of protection


Secret know-how

Attached documents

Related Keywords

  • E-Health
  • Health information management
  • Medical Health related

About Luxembourg Institute of Health

The Luxembourg Institute of Health is a public biomedical research organisation. Striving for excellence, its researchers, by their creativity, enthusiasm and commitment, generate knowledge on disease mechanisms and contribute to the development of new diagnostics, innovative therapies and clinical applications that impact the healthcare of Luxembourgish and European citizens. The activities of the Luxembourg Institute of Health are developed within the following research topics: Oncology, Infection and Immunity, Population Health.

At the forefront of biomedical sciences, the Luxembourg Institute of Health is deeply involved in implementing national and international research programs in personalized medicine. It acts as a catalyst for promoting research collaborations with healthcare providers, hospitals and other public and private biomedical organisations. To create economic and societal value, it purposes the transfer of its scientific discoveries and technological developments. As the first supplier of public health information in Luxembourg, it also enables public authorities to make decisions based on scientific data and to communicate validated data to international institutions.

The Luxembourg Institute of Health hosts a large number of trainees, Master students and PhD candidates, affiliated to the University of Luxembourg or to foreign partner universities, as well as postdoctoral scientists specialising themselves in a given research domain. Modern infrastructure, state-of-the-art technologies and a stimulating work environment, guaranteeing quality supervision and training, are provided to these young scientists starting their career.

Jeremie Langlet

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Luxembourg Institute of Health

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