An interactive software tool to deal with missing values (gap filling) in hydrological time series for water management

  • Fabian from Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
  • From Luxembourg
  • Responsive
  • Innovative Products and Technologies

Summary of the technology

gapIT is a JAVA-based software package that automatically calculates missing data using different data-infilling techniques, using hydrological discharge data series measures at gauging stations as input. Donor stations are automatically selected based on Dynamic Time Warping, geographical proximity and upstream/downstream relationships among stations. For each gap, the tool computes several flow estimates through various data-infilling techniques, including interpolation, multiple regression, regression trees and neural networks. The interactive visual application allows the user to select different donor station(s) than those automatically selected.

The results are validated by randomly creating artificial gaps of different lengths and positions along the entire records. Using the Root Mean Squared Error and the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient as performance measures, the method is evaluated based on a comparison with the actual measured discharge values.

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Details of the Technology Offer

Background:Missing records in hydrological databases represent a lack of information and have negative consequences for water management. An incomplete time series (for example, of measures of river flow) prevents the computation of hydrological statistics and indicators. Also, records with data gaps are not suitable as input or validation data for hydrological or hydrodynamic modelling.

Benefits:The interactive but automated approach of gapIT, coupled with a visual inspection system for user-defined refinement, allows for standardized objective infilling, where subjective decisions are allowed but are at the same time traceable.

Applications:The data-driven approach of the software can be reused in similar real-world situations (for any type of missing sensor data).


Further opportunity details…

Licensing / Communication of know-how

Collaborative research

We are looking to build software platforms similar to gapIT for industrial or institutional partners but tailored to deal with their specific needs and data issues.

IP Status:

Further IP information, links etc.

JAVA Software mainly owned by LIST.

Desired business relationship

Technology development

Other : Licensing

Related Keywords

  • Measurements and Standards
  • Measurement Tools
  • Sensor Technology related to measurements
  • Protecting Man and Environment
  • Environment
  • Water Management
  • Water Resources Management
  • Sustainability

About Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a mission-driven Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) active in the fields of materials, environment and IT.
LIST develops competitive and market-oriented product/service prototypes for public and private stakeholders, and works across the entire innovation chain: fundamental/applied research, incubation, transfer of technologies.
By transforming scientific knowledge into technologies, smart data and tools, LIST empowers citizens in their choices, public authorities in their decisions and businesses in their strategies.

Fabian Belin

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

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