Novel technology affordable for developing new stretchable opto-mechanical devices with larger mechanical tunability, versatility and sensitivity

  • PhD Isabel from Spanish National Research Council
  • From Spain
  • Responsive
  • Patents for licensing

Summary of the technology

Researchers from Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2-BIST), Biomedical Research Centre Network (CIBER) and Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies have recently developed the first stretchable plasmonic enhanced wrinkled Fabry-Perot cavities showing extremely high sensitivity to mechanical deformations. This novel technology enables developing new stretchable opto-mechanical devices with higher mechanical sensitivity, tunability and versatility.

Manufacturers in the field of sensors for detection of mechanical deformations, pressure or forces are being sought to collaborate and/or exploit the existing know-how through a patent license agreement.

Spanish National Research Council

Details of the Technology Offer

The invention describes a novel opto-mechanical device with ultrahigh sensitivity to strain deformations showing 16-fold lower detection limit than state of the art optical strain sensors.

The device is based on a novel stretchable plasmonic enhanced wrinkled Fabry-Perot cavity, in which mechanical deformations simultaneously generate large spectral shifts in the cavity resonances and variations their quality factor. This combination enables the new sensing parameter “spectral area” boosting the sensitivity to detect the mechanical deformations.

These devices are fabricated via an innovative self-assembled and self-embedded process to integrate the arrays of plasmonic nanostructures at controlled depths in the elastomer film and to generate the cavity wrinkles by exploiting the catalytic properties of the nanostructures. This novel technology opens the path to develop new stretchable opto-mechanical devices with higher mechanical sensitivity, tunability, and versatility for new strain, force and pressure sensors in wearable and/or industrial applications, mechanically tunable optical filters and modulators, and mechanically controlled translucent elastic films.

Main innovations and advantages:

  1. First soft stretchable plasmonic enhanced Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity.
  2. Extreme sensitivity of the cavity resonances to mechanical deformations.
  3. New detection method based on the “spectral area” to maximize the sensitivity to strains.
  4. Experimental strain detection limit of 0.006%, i.e., 16-fold lower than state of the art optical strain sensors.
  5. Cost effective and simple fabrication via self-embedding of arrays of plasmonic nanostructures into elastomeric films.
  6. Wireless detection of mechanical deformations.
  7. Integration into biocompatible elastomers for wearable applications.

Current development status

Laboratory prototypes


The main applications are in new strain, force and pressure sensors in wearable and/or industrial applications, mechanically tunable optical filters and modulators, and mechanically controlled translucent elastic films.

Desired business relationship

Patent licensing

Technology development

New technology applications

Intellectual property status

  • Patent already applied for
  • Patent application number :European Application

Attached documents

Related Keywords

  • Electronics, IT and Telecomms
  • Electronics, Microelectronics
  • Industrial manufacturing, Material and Transport Technologies
  • Energy Technology
  • Sensors & Wireless products
  • Measurements and Standards
  • Measurement Tools
  • Optical Technology related to measurements
  • Sensor Technology related to measurements
  • Electronics Related Market

About Spanish National Research Council

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain and the third largest in Europe. Belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, its main objective is to develop and promote research that will help bring about scientific and technological progress, and it is prepared to collaborate with Spanish and foreign entities in order to achieve this aim. According to its Statute (article 4), its mission is to foster, coordinate, develop and promote scientific and technological research, of a multidisciplinary nature, in order to contribute to advancing knowledge and economic, social and cultural development, as well as to train staff and advise public and private entities on this matter.

PhD Isabel Gavilanes-Perez

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