Luxembourg 1665 History Serious Game for Schools

  • University of Luxembourg
  • From Luxembourg
  • Responsive
  • Innovative Products and Technologies

Summary of the technology

Applying Game Technology to the Experience of Learning History

Model game structure that applies game technology to education, both teaching and learning, about the past. In this model, the teacher is no longer the stand-alone expert but rather the guide to enhance the students’ learning journey. This way, historical and archaeological research will be transmitted in an innovative way to pupils. The game is intended for grammar and professional school students, ages 13-16, in a formal educational environment.

University of Luxembourg


  • Model game structure that can be adapted to teach history and other fields of knowledge,
  • The game applies User centered methods and narratives, and rely on the mechanics developed for commercial games.
  • Trilingual game and model game structure for any educational “serious games”.
  • Easy inclusion of the games in the school history curriculum.
  • Possible to embedded history related puzzles and riddles.


A complete methodology based on a digital game-based learning model has been designed and tested. The prototype of the game is under development. The game will use content under creative commons copyright licenses.

Related Keywords

  • Education and Training
  • Serious Games
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Computer Games
  • Information and media, society
  • E-Learning
  • Creative services
  • Creative products
  • Digital Systems, Digital Representation
  • Education and educational products and materials
  • luxembourg

About University of Luxembourg

The University of Luxembourg, founded in 2003, is multilingual, international and strongly focused on research. Its students and staff have chosen a modern institution with a personal atmosphere, close to the European institutions, international companies and the financial place.

Teaching, research and knowledge transfer at the highest international level: those are the goals that this university set from the start. With 270 professors, associate professors, assistant professors and senior lecturers, students from 130 different countries and lecturers originating from 20 different countries, the University offers a multicultural environment. Exchange agreements and research cooperations exist with 354 universities around the world.

About 6,783 students (Bachelor, Master, PhD/Doctorate, learning courses, vocational training and lifelong learning) can choose from over 60 degrees, offered by:
- The Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine,
- The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance,
- The Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.

The central research priorities of the University of Luxembourg are:
- Materials Science
- Computer Science & ICT Security
- European and International Law
- Finance and Financial Innovation
- Education
- Digital and Contemporary History

as well as cross-disciplinary themes (details at
- Health and Systems Biomedicine
- Data Modelling and Simulation (formerly known as Computational Sciences)

University Rankings
- Among the top 250 universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2021.
- No. 3 worldwide in the THE “international outlook” Rankings 2021.
- No. 20 worldwide in the THE Young University Rankings 2021.

University of Luxembourg

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