Compound for the treatment of obesity and hyperlipidemia

  • Universidad de Granada
  • From Spain
  • Responsive
  • Patents for licensing

Summary of the technology

The present invention discloses the use of silibinin for pancreatic lipase inhibition, the enzyme responsible for the digestion of dietary fats. Such effect supports the use of this compound for the prevention, amelioration, alleviation and/or treatment of obesity and/or hyperlipidemia.

Universidad de Granada

Details of the Technology Offer

Overweight and obesity are declared by the WHO as the most prevalent diseases worldwide. The problems of excess body fat associated with them stimulate a greater exposure to the development of other diseases such as type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, among others. Its therapeutic approach pursues, at first, a change of lifestyle habits that favor an energy expenditure higher than the caloric intake of the individual, reducing the accumulation of body fat. In cases where this is not effective, this conventional therapy is complemented with the administration of certain drugs.

These types of drugs act by reducing caloric intake and improving the performance of the dietary treatment. However, despite their effectiveness, the appearance of various adverse effects exposes the need to find new drugs with similar mechanisms of action, greater efficacy and fewer adverse effects.

Following this objective, the present invention discloses the use of silibinin for the prevention, improvement, alleviation and/or treatment of obesity. This compound is of natural origin whose use has demonstrated safety in terms of human administration.

Silibinin acts by inhibiting pancreatic lipase, one of the enzymes responsible for the digestion of dietary fats. Thus, the application of this compound partially prevents the cleavage of fats. Consequently, the reabsorption and utilization of such fats, which are excreted through the digestive tract, is prevented. That, together with the safety of its administration, leads to an improvement in the patient's health.


  • Treatment of obesity and hyperlipidemia.Through the pancreatic lipase inhibition, silibinin partially prevents the cleavage of dietary fats, their reabsorption and utilization, so triglycerides are excreted.
  • Safe administration.This compound is of natural origin and its use seems to be safe for human administration.
  • Lower risk of side effects.
  • Low raw material cost.Silibinin is the main active compound in the extract of milk thistle seeds, so its production has a reduced cost.

Current development status

Laboratory prototypes


Treatment of obesity and hyperlipidemia

Desired business relationship

Patent licensing

Intellectual property status

  • Patent already applied for
  • Patent application number :P202130278

Related Keywords

  • Biological Sciences
  • Medicine, Human Health
  • Diagnostics, Diagnosis
  • obesity
  • hyperlipidemia
  • silibinin
  • pancreatic lipase
  • gastric lipase
  • fat digestion

About Universidad de Granada

Granada University is one of the most important universities of Spain. The main goal is to transfer technology that our research groups, more than 500, are developing to the industries and companies which are able to take profit from them. It is a general University so Research and Development are offered in different fields like Health Science and Technology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, Environment and Natural Resources, Biotechnology, Information and Communication Technologies, Social, Economic and Legal Sciences....

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