Process to produce lithium carbonate from spodumene ore concentrates.

Summary of the technology

Process to produce lithium carbonate or other lithium chemicals from spodumene ore concentrates.
⇒ Replaces sulfuric acid with ferrous sulfate which is abundant, lower cost, and easier to transport and handle.
⇒ Process is easier to operate, since in traditional processes with sulfuric acid the acid pulp is very complex to handle.
⇒ Does not generate liquid effluents.
⇒ Generates two by-products with market value: lithium carbonate and red hematite

Universidad de Concepción

Current development status (TRL3)

Laboratory prototypes

Proof of concept tests carried out in the University laboratories have focused on corroborating the chemical processes. The main product obtained from the process is lithium carbonate. Although there is still a need to carry out technical validation phases on a pilot scale, it is possible to estimate that for each ton of spodumene ore, the process allows the production of:

• Lithium carbonate: between 600 and 650 kg

• Red hematite and magnetite: between 400 and 350 kg

Desired business relationship

Patent licensing

Joint ventures

Technology development

We are looking preferrably for a partnership with a company that is interested in collaborating with the University to continue maturing this development.

We are available for scheduling a virtual meeting with Dr. Igor Wilkomirsky Fuica, lead inventor of this technology, who will be able to tell in much greater detail what this technology is about and clarify any questions regarding the proposed process and its applications.

Intellectual property status

Related Keywords

  • Industrial manufacturing, Material and Transport Technologies
  • Plant Design and Maintenance
  • Mining Technologies
  • Mining and extraction
  • lithium

About Universidad de Concepción

The Universidad de Concepción (UDEC) is a private corporation established in 1919 as a result of an initiative from the local community. It was the third university created in Chile and the first one outside the capital city and has become a cultural heritage of the city of Concepción.
Defined by its statutes as a higher education institution with the mission of creating, transmitting and conserving culture in all of its expressions while duly addressing the interests and needs of the country at the highest level of excellence, the University of Concepción is a humanist, democratic, and solidarity institution created by the community of Concepción as a private-law corporation with a strong social commitment to the community and its environment. With a recognized national presence and an important international projection, it is a complex, multi-functional, socially-responsible university and a recognized leader in technology transfer, innovation, and scientific and technological initiatives and research.

Sandra Araya

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