Non-antibiotic product to remove Helicobacter from the body

  • Krasen from MAMEL&Ecobiotechnoservice
  • From Bulgaria
  • Responsive
  • Patents for licensing

Summary of the technology

We are looking for distributors around the world to help a large part of the population with painless release of the bacterium Helicobacter. It is possible to sell a license.


Details of the Technology Offer

After 2 years of sales of the product HEBAC, it turned out that its success in relation to Helicobacter in nearly 1000 customers for the product has rejected results -6 pieces. All others are negative. In the company's archives, there are results in terms of atrophic gastritis and metaplasia of the gastric mucosa. The latter / metaplasia / has been removed /. This is confirmed by the client's epicrisis. According to him, the gastroenterologists who observed the client were very surprised by the strong improvement.

The next moment is the use of the product in the KOVID crisis. It turned out that it extinguishes the bacterial infection of Kovid in the body and the patient comes out with much smaller lesions from this disease.

Intellectual property status

  • Granted Patent
  • Patent application number :2944

Related Keywords

  • Virus, Virology / Antibiotics / Bacteriology
  • Biological Sciences
  • Biology / Biotechnology
  • Industrial Biotechnology
  • Health care
  • Applications for Health
  • Medicine, Human Health
  • Medical Health related
  • Other Medical/Health Related
  • Pharmaceuticals/fine chemicals
  • Health food
  • Other
  • Medical/health
  • Therapeutic
  • heliobacter

About MAMEL&Ecobiotechnoservice

The company develops activities in:
innovations in the field of industry-healthy foods, pharmacy, medicine, other industries
industrial cleaning

Krasen Dimitrov

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