Active cooling system for led lighting industry

  • MP Lighting
  • From Canada
  • Responsive
  • Innovative Products and Technologies

Summary of the technology

Light-emitting diodes (LED), like any semiconductor, emit heat during their operation. This is because of (75% – 85%) of electrical energy is converted to thermal energy which results in an increase in the temperature of the LED. Thermally stressed LEDs lose efficiency and their valuable technical parameters.  That’s why we need to control the  temperature of the LED.

MP Lighting

Details of the Technology Offer

Thermal management of LED lighting fixtures (or LED lamp) involves the transfer of thermal energy by means of natural thermo convective process (passive cooling system) or by combination of cooling fan with the heat sink (active cooling system). The conventional active cooling system operates on the base classic negative-feedback control loop and typically consist of many electronics components. However it is increase manufacturing and maintenance costs, dimensions and weight of LED lamp.

The original active cooling system was developed on the base new concept using of matrix of NTC thermistors for thermal management of LED lamp. The NTC thermistor array has been connected directly in the power line of the fan. Being thermally coupled to heat sink of LED lamp and electrically coupled to fan the NTC thermistor array capable to perform double function in the cooling system: changing its resistance by means of changing of temperature of heat sink (acting as temperature sensor) and changing of current through fan by means of changing its resistance (acting as current regulator).

As result the configuration of active cooling system is simplified significantly and its size, weight and cost price have been reduced. Cooling system consumes power no more then (3-6)% of output power of LED lamp and provide thermo regulation of LED’s PCB with accuracy ( +/- 5*C) in the range (45-65) *C.

Related Keywords

  • Electronics, IT and Telecomms
  • Electronics, Microelectronics
  • Installations related to construction (energy, lighting, …)
  • Lighting and signaling system
  • Energy Technology
  • Lighting, illumination
  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy
  • leds
  • led industry

About MP Lighting

MP Lighting specializes in the manufacturing of architectural LED fixtures as well as low voltage.

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