Mechanism for successful development of any society (MSD AS)

  • Michael from Private person
  • From Ukraine
  • Responsive
  • Innovative Products and Technologies

Summary of the technology

I suggest a business partnership for the joint creation by us of a mechanism for successful development of any society (i.e., of the totality of citizens for any country) or shortly – MSD AS.

Details of the Technology Offer

I suggest a business partnership for the joint creation by us of a mechanism for successful development of any society (i.e., of the totality of citizens for any country) or shortly – MSD AS. Currently, the need for such mechanism is simply enormous due to serious development problems not only for underdeveloped societies, but for all of mankind. These difficulties are mainly caused by the detrimental effect on people of the epidemic of mass dullness (EMD), which has spread everywhere in recent years. EMD has suppressed in many of us not only the ability to think reasonably on public topics, but even the motivation to benefit own society. By creating MSD AS, we will thereby open a new era for successful development of any society, and therefore of all mankind, simultaneously curing it from EMD, and also introducing a new form of democracy (people power), which is not anywhere else in the world, but which for sure will spread everywhere over time.

All the necessary information about the proposed social project is set out in my publication "On creating a mechanism for successful development of any society" ( ), with which I suggest you familiarize in detail. MSD AS itself is a public website of revealing truths on public topics through written constructive discussions conducted under a rigorous procedure in the presence of independent arbitrators monitoring its compliance.

I suggest you become one of the co-founders of MSD AS. By creating it, we will thereby launch the process of successful development of any society and, at the same time, its recovery from EMD. In particular, I suggest you take responsibility for the development of the software shell of the MSD AS website (Technical task for it I have already prepared), as well as for finding a source of funding for such development and subsequent operating of this website. I myself am ready to take for free the leadership of MSD AS creation, provide its initial content, and also actively participate in its operation as one of the arbitrators of written discussions that will be held among its numerous users from around the world.

Due to the fact that this social project is not only innovative, but unique, I suggest you to understand it in detail through a written dialogue with the author of these lines (my email address – ). I am convinced that the one who first creates the proposed MSD AS will go down into the annals of history not only of its society, but of all mankind, since thereby a new stage of its successful development will be launched. That is why it makes sense for you to consider this my proposal as a rare chance to bring great benefits to both your organization and your country. After all, the proposed project is extremely topical, so it will be very prestigious for those who implement it.

Related Keywords

  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Socio-economic development models, economic aspects
  • Information and media, society
  • Infrastructures for social sciences and humanities
  • mankind
  • humanity

About Private person

The company is absent. I am a private person Burlakov Michael Victorovich (Kiev, Ukraine), Doctor of Engineering, leading specialist in the field of numerical optimization of discrete processes, the founder of the proposed technology (IT AC DTIP).

Michael Burlakov

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