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We offer developed methods for the synthesis of known active substances by reaction in the presence of ultrasound and other eco-friendly methods.
We also offer synthesis on request or a ready library of bioactive compounds with anti-cancer effect.
Our team conducts research on the synthesis of bioactive compounds based on methods that allow you to obtain the expected products in high yield and high purity in a short time. Reactions are carried out in the presence of ultrasound or microwave radiation. These methods are in the field of green chemistry, because the reactions can be carried out solvent-free or in non-toxic solvents, e.g. in water.
Reduction of production costs
Shortening response time
Increasing work safety
Green chemistry technology
Intellectual property status
Patent already applied for
Patent application number : PL 430989, PL 430988
Where : Poland
Current development status
Laboratory prototypes
Desired business relationship
Technology selling
Patent licensing
Technology development
New technology applications
Cracow University of Technology:
- educates highly qualified engineers who can cope with national and global industry challenges,
- educates academic staff by supporting the development of their scientific passion and their participation in national and international scientific exchange,
- serves the economy and the whole society by solving technical and technological problems and by implementing scientific studies into economic practice.
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