Alphanosos rapid discovery technology against COVID 19

  • Pascal from Alphanosos
  • From France
  • Responsive
  • Innovative Products and Technologies

Summary of the technology

Alphanosos’ AI guided rapid discovery technology, validated in antimicrobials and anticancer, is expected to develop within 3 weeks of experimental work with a virology partner an anti-COVID-19 treatment composed of a synergistic mix of extracts of edible plants, chosen for being available in large amounts and with good traceability. Such treatment is, therefore, and also thanks to the innovative elaboration process, immediately available to enter large curative clinical trials, to be followed by country-wide deployment in a matter of weeks, for curative and for preventive goals (because of safety which is guaranteed by the edible nature of the mix).


Details of the Technology Offer

Alphanosos: Rapid therapeutic response to the COVID-19 crisis
Detailed description; see presentation and synopsis.

Scientific rationale
By the molecular diversity of its composition, an aqueous edible plant mixture extract (WECMEP) constitutes a massively parallel perturbation of a biological system against which normal eukaryotic cells are much more stable than altered (cancerous or virus-infected) cells and microorganisms. It should, therefore, be possible to find such mixtures that selectively reduce the growth of organisms on the basis of their difference in systemic robustness. Statistical modeling shows that at a constant dose, a mixture of individually edible plants is less likely to induce deleterious effects than individual edible plants alone. Compounds present in an aqueous extract are very likely to be highly bioavailable and unlikely to accumulate in adipose tissue.

Technological challenges solved by Alphanosos innovations
A library of a few hundred edible plants (of common use and food supplement type, available in bulk and traced) allows to assemble between 1010 and 1040 mixtures of 5 to 20 plants. A classical systematic experimental screening is therefore impossible. By using innovative and proprietary Artificial Intelligence type algorithms, Alphanososos is able to elaborate active ingredients by typically limiting itself to a few hundred experimental measurements distributed in about ten iterations, i.e., from 30 mixtures per iteration. Other innovations allow Alphanosos to produce dozens of sterile mixtures extracts in the space of 4 hours (or even less depending on human means) allowing an experimental iteration cycle over 24 hours (depending on the in vitro model used).

Scientific and technological validation
Alphanosos’ technology has already enabled the development of a collection of more than 1000 mixtures with antimicrobial activity, including towards multidrug-resistant strains (S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, A. baumannii, N. gonorrhoeae, Mycobacteria, C. albicans, Vibrio spp., …). They are patent pending in 71 countries. A second collection was obtained in partnership with the BSF of EPFL, effective specifically against cancer cell lines. In both cases, less than 10 iterations were necessary to obtain activities with potencies between 100μg/mL and 1000μg/mL total extract ("totum").

COVID-19 project – discovery – expected duration : 3 weeks
Alphanosos proposes to work with an experienced coronavirus laboratory to develop with its AI and WECMEP technology an active ingredient that significantly reduces the speed of virus replication/propagation between cells. This collaborative mode of operation has been validated by the partnership with the BSF-EPFL.

COVID-19 project – deployment into the clinical trial – next day after the discovery
The WECMEP(s) discovered and selected will have by construction the regulatory status, before therapeutic claim, of food preparation. According to WHO and FDA, they are adapted to enter directly into phase II. A technology transfer under a confidentiality agreement will enable a hospital pharmacist to produce them immediately as a magistral preparation.
COVID-19 project – deployment at population scale – next day after clinical validation
The selected plants are available, in stocks and traced, on a scale of tens of tons, which can be mobilized by simple order to a supplier, or by requisition, allowing the production of millions of treatments for curative use. Two operators, in "35-hour/week" work conditions can produce at the rate of one ton (typically) of assets per month. Through recruitment and training, or even deployment in hospital pharmacies, a production capacity adapted to the need can be set up in a matter of days.

Regulatory aspects
In the present emergency and following the example of what has already been experimented with bacteriophages, and because of the specific dietary status of the active ingredients developed, the final magistral preparation by hospital pharmacists can be imposed/accepted by the health authorities.
Learn More:
Contact : Pascal Mayer, PhD, Alphanosos +33 659 856 881

Desired business relationship

Joint ventures

Current development status

Finished technologies

Intellectual property status

Other forms of protection

Proprietary AI Algorithms, software and discovery know-how

Attached documents

Related Keywords

  • Biological Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Products / Drugs
  • Virus, Virology / Antibiotics / Bacteriology
  • Agrofood Industry
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Bioinformatics Technology
  • Computer related
  • Monoclonal Antibodies and Hybridomas
  • Medical Health related
  • Pharmaceuticals/fine chemicals
  • Clinical Medicine
  • Other
  • AI programming aids
  • Artificial intelligence related software
  • Bioinformatics Market
  • covid19

About Alphanosos

Alphanosos is a privately held company incorporated in November 2014 in France. We are primareleveraging our disruptive, AI-based, proprietary discovery process to discover and patent active ingredients and products based on plants with a history of safe human consumption to replace, with superior efficacy and reduced risks of side effects, many of the chemical products used as therapeutic drugs and technical ingredients in the human and animal health, wellbeing, and bioproduction industries. Early revenue is already generated by licenses for cosmetic usage of certain of these products, to be soon followed with licenses for veterinary applications and later for human drugs.

Pascal Mayer

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