Functional actives for animal nutrition and hygiene based on synergistic mixes of plants already authorized as nutrients and feed additives

  • Alphanosos
  • From France
  • Responsive
  • Patents for licensing

Summary of the technology

Alternatives to antibiotics made of edibles/feed additives with activities against multi-resistant bacteria, including many of high concern and/or interest in agriculture and aquaculture


Functional actives for animal nutrition and hygiene based on synergistic mixes of plants already authorized as nutrients and feed additives:

Water Extracts of Complex Mixes of Edible Plants (WECMEPs) with activity optimized using our Artificial Intelligence-based experimental discovery process as alternatives to antibiotics (see also

Key differentiation:

  • Minimal regulatory overhead, safety
  • Heat stable actives (our botanical extracts), tractable costs and sourcing, fully biodegradable
  • Typical feed additive concentration: 0.1% (based on in vitro data, to be confirmed by field studies)
  • Rapid discovery thanks to unique Artificial Intelligence-based algorithms and methodologies
  • Technology and concept enables direct to animal/field
  • Immediate mass production possible by Alphanosos (tons per month, upgradable in weeks)


  • Feed additives for livestock and aquaculture to modulate microbiotas, protect from infections
  • Anti-mastitis teat-dips
  • Protection of foods/feed,
  • Food compatible and fully biodegradable disinfection

Current development status

  • Working prototypes

Desired business relationship

  • Technology selling
  • Patent licensing
  • Joint ventures
  • Technology development
  • New technology applications
  • Adaptation of technology to other markets

Intellectual property status

Related Keywords

  • Agriculture and Marine Resources
  • Agriculture
  • Resources of the Sea, Fisheries
  • Agrofood Industry
  • Food quality and safety
  • Protecting Man and Environment
  • Technologies for the food industry
  • Micro- and Nanotechnology related to agrofood
  • Food Additives/Ingredients/Functional Food
  • Food Processing
  • Food Technology
  • Detection and Analysis methods
  • Biology / Biotechnology
  • Microbiology Technology
  • Aquaculture
  • Food Microbiology / Toxicology / Quality Control
  • Virus, Virology / Antibiotics / Bacteriology
  • Animal health
  • Plant and animal health
  • Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry and Related Products
  • Foodstuffs Intended For Special Nutritional Uses
  • Food and Beverages
  • Food and feed ingredients
  • Food & feed ingredients
  • livestock

About Alphanosos

Alphanosos is a privately held company incorporated in November 2014 in France. We are primareleveraging our disruptive, AI-based, proprietary discovery process to discover and patent active ingredients and products based on plants with a history of safe human consumption to replace, with superior efficacy and reduced risks of side effects, many of the chemical products used as therapeutic drugs and technical ingredients in the human and animal health, wellbeing, and bioproduction industries. Early revenue is already generated by licenses for cosmetic usage of certain of these products, to be soon followed with licenses for veterinary applications and later for human drugs.


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