a single-stage, bidirectional and high-frequency isolated power conversion system

  • From Portugal
  • Responsive
  • Patents for licensing

Summary of the technology

ACDC Cube is a single-stage, bidirectional and high-frequency isolated power conversion system. ACDC Cube also uses a novel control method to do the interface between the Alternate Current (AC) distribution networks and a battery pack, or other Direct Current (DC) sources/loads, delivering higher power quality in a compact design.

ACDC Cube has lower total volume and weight, increased durability and equivalent reliability when compared with a standard solution such as the voltage source converter plus dual active bridge. Due to its innovative features, ACDC Cube is especially suitable for applications where the size of the power conversion system is critical.


Inventor rewarded with the SEMIKRON Young Engineer Award 2018.

The need to integrate renewable energy sources and heavy loads such as electric vehicles in the low voltage grid is demanding for more flexible and reliable solutions, such as community energy storage or vehicle-to-grid (V2G). Moreover, conventional power conversion systems are bulky and heavy.

INESC TEC engineers have developed the ACDC Cube technology to offer new options for micro-generation systems, including bidirectional conversion of electrical energy between home batteries or electric vehicles (DC) and the public electric grid (AC), or any other devices where dimensions restrictions are critical.

Current development status

Laboratory prototypes


Vehicle-to-grid (V2G)


Energy storage systems


Aeronautical and aerospace applications where the size and volume of the power converters is critical

Desired business relationship

Technology selling

Patent licensing

Joint ventures

Technology development

Intellectual property status

Related Keywords

  • Energy Technology
  • Energy Storage and Transport
  • Storage of electricity, batteries
  • Energy production, transmission and conversion
  • Smart grids
  • Industrial Technologies
  • Energy Market
  • Power generation
  • Energy Storage
  • Energy for Transport


INESC TEC is a systems and computer engineering R&D institute with 900+ researchers producing Scientific Research and Technological Development, offering advanced training, specialised consulting and promoting the transfer of its technologies to the market. INESC TEC’s research covers several areas of knowledge: telecommunications, power systems, information and computer graphics, applied photonics, robotics, artificial intelligence, advanced computing, high-assurance software and biomedical engineering.
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