Preparation method of palladium alloy composite membrane for hydrogen separation.

Summary of the technology

Researchers at the Korea Institute of Energy Research have developed a new palladium alloy composite membrane for hydrogen separation, with a wide range of beneficial applications.

Details of the Technology Offer

Palladium-based membranes have been used for decades in hydrogen extraction because of their high permeability and good surface properties and because palladium, like all metals, is 100% selective for hydrogen transport. Palladium membranes have been used to provide very pure hydrogen for semiconductor manufacture, fuel cells, and laboratory use. Palladium also combines excellent hydrogen transport and discrimination properties with resistance to high temperatures, corrosion, and solvents. Further, palladium is easily formed into tubes that are easily fabricated into hydrogen extraction and palladium surfaces are not readily poisoned by carbon monoxide, steam, and hydrocarbons.

This exciting technology relates to an advanced preparation method of palladium alloy composite membrane for hydrogen separation. Generally, a separation membrane used for the preparation of ultra-high pure hydrogen, has low permeability. This possesses a significant challenge to hydrogen separation. Intensive and extensive research on the improvement of the selective permeability of membranes used for hydrogen separation has been, and is presently, being carried out. The commonly used non-porous palladium membrane has high hydrogen selectivity but low permeability. Therefore, despite the selective hydrogen permeability of the separation membrane being intended to be improved by coating the surface of the porous material with a thin palladium membrane, the membrane still suffers due to frequent deformities caused by phases change of the lattice structure during hydrogen absorption.

With the goal of preventing such deformations, a palladium alloy separation membrane is primarily used, at present. However, this common method of using a metal alloyed with palladium, also incur limitations. Notably the frequent palladium-copper alloy membrane suffers low hydrogen selectivity and poor adhesion, issues which commonly lead to brakes in the palladium-copper alloy separation membrane. This advanced technology has been designed to overcome the common issues experienced during the application of palladium alloyed membranes for hydrogen separation. An objective of this technology is the provision of an advantageous palladium alloy composite membrane, which requires a small amount of palladium and thus possess high hydrogen selectivity, high durability and enables improvements in properties of the separation membrane, regardless of the kind of support.

Preparation method of palladium alloy composite membrane for hydrogen separation method:

The first embodiment of this sophisticated technology is to provide a method of preparing a palladium alloy composite membrane. This objective is achieved by initially coating a palladium layer on a porous support, and then applying a metal coating layer to the palladium coating layer. Next, the metal coating layer is subjected to a reflow process to form an alloy layer with a void free and dense film. The second embodiment of this technology is the provision of a method for preparing a palladium alloy composite membrane for hydrogen separation. This method is constructed by first forming an initial metal coating later a porous support and subjecting the support to an electroplating process. Thereafter a second metal coating layer is formed on the palladium coating later and the second later subjected to reflow processes.

Thought the completion of these processes the developed palladium alloy composite membrane possesses improved properties, for example high durability and excellent hydrogen selectivity capabilities. What’s more, this breakthrough method minimises the likelihood of palladium-alloy failure, as well as requiring a reduced amount of palladium, therefore reducing costs and improving economic viability.

The present technology provides a method for preparing a palladium alloy composite membrane for hydrogen separation. According to the method of the present invention, even though palladium is used in a small amount, the separation membrane can be prepared, therefrom minimising costs and preventing resource overuse. Further, the properties of the hydrogen separation membrane can be improved, regardless of the kind of support. The properties of palladium alloy membranes mean that they are very attractive for use with petrochemical gasses. Unfortunately, common palladium alloys are frequently found to be too expensive and soft for this application. However, through the implementation of this new palladium alloy composite preparation method these limitations can be scientifically minimised, thus opening palladium membranes to application in the petrochemical sector.

Intellectual property status

Granted Patent

Patent number : 7875154

Where : USA

Intellectual property status

Granted Patent

Patent number : 1807185

Where : Europe

Current development status

Commercially available technologies

Desired business relationship

Technology selling

Patent licensing

Joint ventures

Technology development

New technology applications

Adaptation of technology to other markets

Related Keywords

  • Industrial Technologies
  • Energy Technology
  • Energy production, transmission and conversion
  • Hydrogen production
  • Renewable Sources of Energy
  • Protecting Man and Environment
  • Industrial Products
  • Other

About Korea Institute of Energy Research

Since the founding in 1977, the KIER has had focused on energy technology R&D which is closely related with our living standards and national security while overcoming the challenges we have faced as a resource poor country.

KIER's R&D areas include improving efficiency and securing environment-friendly way in use of limited conventional energy resources such as oil, coal as well as natural gas and exploring new energy sources such as solar, wind and water as well as its commercialization.

The KIER also strives towards technology transfer which can be reflected in successful commercialization of our remarkable R&D outcomes by means of industrialization of excellent intellectual property rights, enlarging its R&D activity in bottleneck technology based on small and medium sized enterprises, and communicating actively with markets through "1 researcher to 1 enterprise" technique guidance.

enlarging its R&D activity in bottleneck technology based on small and medium sized enterprises, and communicating actively with markets through "1 researcher to 1 enterprise" technique guidance.

Energy has had a significant influence not only on living standards in a society, but also upon national competitiveness and security. Therefore, the KIER will do its best in developing energy technology for future generations.

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