Identification of vehicle brands for traffic control and access control applications

Summary of the technology

The research group Intelligent Vehicles and Traffic Technologies of the University of Alcalá presents a device for recognizing vehicle brands based on a classification procedure of the manufacturer's logo. It is conceived as a complement to the classic optical systems of license plate recognition for applications of traffic management, access control or detection of infractions, providing useful information relative to the brand of the vehicle whose license plate, previously or subsequently, has been detected.

The research group looks for companies / institutions / administrations in charge of traffic control, access control to restricted areas, as well as those in charge of integrating vehicle violation detection systems, for the signing of collaboration agreements, license agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

Details of the Technology Offer

The invention relates to a vehicle branding recognition device based on a classification procedure of the manufacturer's logo.

 The device consists of a camera, a lighting system, a processor and a storage system. The procedure uses the images provided by the camera that are analyzed by a processor that is also connected to a storage system.

The processor is adapted to extract information from the spatial distribution of the module and the orientation of the logo gradient, forming a vector of characteristics. The processor is adapted to classify the feature vector by running a multi-class classifier, previously trained with feature vectors from vehicle logos, to provide the most credible estimate of the vehicle's brand that appears in the images captured by the camera.

In low light conditions, the device activates one or more artificial lighting systems to improve the contrast of the images. The processor is adapted to store the images and the result of the recognition of the brand of the vehicle in the storage system for later use.

The patent object of this invention has its field of application in the industry of intelligent transport systems, companies in charge of traffic control, access control to restricted environments, as well as those in charge of integrating detection of infraction systems of vehicles on the road.


- The present device proposes for the first time a mechanism for the classification of logos by means of a pattern recognition scheme.

- For the identification of the logo of the vehicles, this invention is based on the distribution of the module and orientation of the gradient of the region containing the logo.


- The present system, in addition to locating the logo of a vehicle manufacturer, is capable of classifying and recognizing it

- So, the information that facilitates about the vehicle in question is more useful and solid than that provided with the previous classical optical

Current development status

Laboratory prototypes (available for demonstration)


Industry of intelligent transport systems, companies in charge of traffic control, access control to restricted environments, as well as those in charge of integrating detection of infraction systems of vehicles on the road.

Desired business relationship

Technology selling

Patent licensing

Technology development

The research group looks for companies / institutions / administrations in charge of traffic control, access control to restricted areas, as well as those in charge of integrating vehicle violation detection systems, for the signing of collaboration agreements, license agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Intellectual property status

Related Keywords

  • Industrial manufacturing, Material and Transport Technologies
  • Traffic Engineering / Control Systems
  • Transport and Shipping Technologies
  • Road Vehicles
  • Artificial intelligence applications for cars and transport
  • Sensors for cars and transport
  • Measurement devices
  • Traffic, mobility
  • System and transportation
  • Planning and security
  • Measurements and Standards
  • Measurement Tools
  • Optical Technology related to measurements
  • Sensor Technology related to measurements
  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Technology, Society and Employment
  • traffic
  • traffic control
  • access control
  • identification of vehicle logos
  • vehicles' logo
  • recognition of vehicle brand
  • intelligent transport systems
  • traffic infractions
  • traffic security

About Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

The Technology Transfer Office at Alcalá University serves as a liaison between the University and its socioeconomic environment in terms of research and innovation. It encorages collaboration between research groups from universities and companies/institutions, with the objective to promote and commercialize research results and scientific capabilities.

Some of the services offered by this office are specified in the following list:

- Promotion of R & D and improvement of the relationships with companies.
- Promote the participation in R & D projects applicants to public calls (regional, national and European).
- Advising, processing and monitoring of patents and other forms of industrial protection.
- Support in the negotiation of contracts and agreements for R&D&i

Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

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