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The research group “Materials and Construction Systems for Buildings”, from the Building and Urbanism Department of the University of Alicante, has developed a new and simple system that allows to fix any type of armours in concrete construction elements during the concreting process. This system avoids the movement of the armours in an efficient, technical and reusable way, and, therefore, also avoids future expensive treatments in case of unwanted movements. This new system is characterized by its low cost, light weight, ease of use and versatility for any constructive element. The research group is looking for companies interested in commercial exploitation.
During the execution process of reinforced concrete construction elements, it is essential to fix the armours to avoid their movement during concreting. If this movement occurs, it will affect the coating itself, not being able to guarantee the necessary thickness for protection (the margin for errors during the execution process is minimal).This error can only be corrected a posteriori:
a) By bending the armours in the hardened concrete, which can weaken or damage the reinforcement.
b) By drilling and placing new armours with epoxy resins, which does not guarantee an equal adherence and resistance.
When the movement of the armour is excessive, the only solution is to demolish the constructive element and proceed to its completely reconstruction.
Nowadays, to prevent movement of the armours during concreting:
1. We proceed to simply tie the reinforcements to the beams or bands of constructive elements.
2. We use some auxiliary elements fastened to the base support (ground, formwork, etc.).
3. No specific measures are taken.
In general, the solutions carried out nowadays show the following disadvantages:
1. They do not meet the minimum coating required by the regulations.
2. They require a high installation time.
3. They are not reusable items.
In short, during the execution process of reinforced concrete construction elements, either no measure is used to fix the armours or a very simple process is used (not solving the problem in an efficient, technical and reusable way). This situation carries numerous drawbacks and can lead to significant problems.
The present invention solves the technical problems described above, so we have developed a system to allow fixing the armours in reinforced concrete elements during the concreting process, avoiding the movement of the armours.
The system (Figures 1 and 2) is formed by at least two pieces: a main one and, at least, a secondary one. Both have simple geometry and little weight, being able to have variable length, width, thickness and form to adjust to the constructive needs in each case.
The pieces are joined by a deployment device that allows them to freely move and rotate in different directions. This device comprises a longitudinal orifice and a turning element (screw, pin, bolt, etc.), which allows the movement in one of the two pieces, or allows the longitudinal displacement of the secondary element on the main piece.
These parts have a fixing element that allows the system to be fastened to the armours and also to the base support (e.g., ground, forged, etc.), forming, as a whole, a non-deformable triangle.
See Figure 1: system for fixing armours (main piece and secondary piece).
See Figure 2: system for fixing armours (main piece and secondary piece).
The advantages of this element over currently existing devices on the market are:
Nowadays, there are no patented systems on the market to solve the armours fixation in reinforced concrete construction elements in an efficiently, accurately and reusable way, since it is usually done manually.
The present invention prevents the movement of the armours during the concreting process, avoiding to make expensive corrections afterwards.
Intellectual property status
Other forms of protection
This technology is protected by a utility model application.
Patent already applied for
Patent application number : U201700526
Where : Spain
Current development status
To demonstrate that the system meets all the requirements needed, we made a test about the fixation of armours in a pillar (with centred foundation).
The steps followed for the test procedure were:
Desired business relationship
Other :
Companies interested in acquiring this technology for commercial exploitation by:
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