Summary of the technology

A device for quantifying particles, which is characterised in that it comprises: a) an electronic system of signals produced by detectors reacting to transiting subatomic particles that are electrically charged and generate negative pulses, b) four detectors for fixing the discrimination voltage level, the duration time of the test and for obtaining the number of events per channel, the number of coincidences between the activated channels and the frequency of particles detected per time unit, c) a discriminator with a reference voltage selecting the detected events according to the fixed level, d) a memory module, e) a trigger module, and f) a coincidence logic module that makes the decisions for accepting the detected event or only increasing the counters of the channels that are activated and have information to process.

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Details of the Technology Offer


Intellectual property status

Related Keywords

  • Physical Sciences and Exact Sciences
  • Physics
  • Electronic measurement systems
  • subatomic particles
  • logical counter

About Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Public University with 527 full time teachers, recognized by the national system of researchers (S.N.I.), with a large contribution from documents of scientific divulgation in diverse areas of knowledge and presentation of patent documents, which occupies the third place in the ranking of universities in Mexico with the largest number of patent applications

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

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