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Project ID : 4-2013-532
Our technology enables navigating over a collection of high dimensional entities (such as images, videos, text documents and more) in an interface similar to online map navigation interfaces. The map is ordered such that similar entities are put next to each other, so the browsing experience is continuous. It is dynamic in the sense that the map is not pre-computed in its entirety; instead, the user navigation directs the construction of the map. The dynamic map is therefore tailored for the specific user, which can navigate towards preferred elements to see similar search results.
The Need
In recent years there has been a vast increase in the availability of online images, videos, documents and other high dimensional elements. Searching such massive datasets usually requires browsing a large number of elements. To this end the user is often forced to go over long lists of results that are unordered and have no contextual relations among them.
Using our technology, users are able to quickly browse a large number of elements, and navigate in the direction of preferred elements to discover additional similar elements.
Potential Application
Our method can be applied for refinement of search queries of images, videos, 3D shapes, text documents and more.
Stage of Development
Early development; we have an existing prototype which allows browsing one million images downloaded from the web. In addition, we have a prototype which allows browsing of several thousand 3D shapes, also downloaded from the web.
Supporting Publications
Dynamic Maps for Exploring and Browsing Shapes,
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2013 (Currently in review)
Project manager
Oren Calfon
VP Business Development, ICT
Project researchers
Daniel Cohen-Or
T.A.U Tel Aviv University, Exact Sciences
School of Computer Science
Yanir Kleiman
T.A.U Tel Aviv University, Exact Sciences
School of Computer Science
Ramot is Tel Aviv University's (TAU) technology transfer company and its liaison to industry, bringing promising scientific discoveries made at the university to industry's attention. The company provides the legal and commercial frameworks for inventions made by TAU faculty, students and researchers, protecting discoveries with patents and working jointly with industry to bring scientific innovations to the market.
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