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Synthesis of small organic compounds is performed via the services of TAU’s Analytical Research & Instrumentation Unit for Organic Analyses with full access to state-of-the-art equipment in other TAU facilities. Equipment includes spectrophotometric instrumentation, FT-IR system facilitating fentosec measurements, NMR, Raman spectrometer (surface enhanced), CD, HPLCs, MS, LC-MS, and UV-Vis.
Project ID : 12-2011-225
Custom synthesis of organic compounds
Industrial Research Services:
We offer services for custom synthesis of small organic compounds. Our laboratories in Tel Aviv University have all the basic state-of-the-art instrumentation for synthetic capabilities. The School of Chemistry also has an Analytical Research and Instrumentation Unit, which provides services for organic analyses. The Department of Chemistry is fully equipped with the instrumentation and infrastructure necessary for manufacturing synthetic small molecules. The lab is equipped with State-of-the-art spectrophotometric instrumentation, including an FT-IR system facilitating fentosec measurements, NMR, Raman spectrometer (surface enhanced), CD, HPLCs, MS, LC-MS, and UV-Vis.
Potential industries
Pharmaceutical and Biotech industries and companies developing synthetic compounds.
Prof. Doron Shabat was recruited by Tel Aviv University as a Principal Investigator at the School of Chemistry ten years ago, following a training period, of high-level scientific research in top-academic institutions. The research in his laboratory is focused in the area of bioorganic chemistry.
His group developed novel molecular systems based on dendritic and polymeric molecules. These new compounds are designed to undergo domino-like disassembly, which can be initiated by an external stimulus event. They have demonstrated the applicability of this self-immolative molecular systems as powerful and efficient drug delivery vehicles for selective anticancer therapy and as molecular amplifiers for diagnostic purposes.
Contact Person:
Doron Shabat Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
School of chemistry
Tel-Aviv University
Tel-Aviv 69978
Office: 972-3-6408340
Lab: 972-3-6406548
Fax: 972-3-6405761
Project manager
avi Wener
Research services
Project researchers
Doron Shabat
T.A.U Tel Aviv University, Exact Sciences
School of Chemistry
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