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The research group Materials and Construction Systems for Buildings of the University of Alicante has developed a reusable formwork element to implement joints with continuous reinforcement armours in reinforced concrete construction elements. It is easy to adapt to any construction element currently available in the market. It is a low cost element, quick and simple to use it, and it allows to obtain clean and geometric concrete joints. The research group is looking for companies interested in license agreement or other kind of cooperation.
Description of the technology
The research group Materials and Construction Systems for Buildings (belonging to the Department of Building and Urbanism at the University of Alicante-Spain) has developed a reusable formwork element to implement joints with continuous reinforcement armours in reinforced concrete construction elements. This invention is characterized through its perfect adaptation to any construction element currently available in the market, resisting the pressure exerted through the concrete. It is also a low cost element, quick and simple to use it, and it allows to obtain clean and geometric concrete joints. The group is looking for companies interested in commercial exploitation.
This device allows easy formwork through different sections or in a continuous way, and it resists the thrusts derived from concreting. The element consists of a piece of variable height, width and thickness with periodic notches, designed to allow an optimal fitting of armours in the element to be concreted: its form of comb (see Figure 1) allows the passage of reinforcement armours between its tines. This design has been conceived to be perfectly adapted to any constructive element currently available in the market.
Main advantages of its use
Current development status
The formwork element described meets the requirements of the regulations (Spanish Instruction of structural concrete EHE-08) for formwork and moulds, which requires elements to be able to resist actions during the construction process. These requirements include:
• Sealing of joints.
• Suitable resistance to pressure of fresh concrete and the effects of compaction method.
• Alignment and verticality of the formwork panels.
• Maintenance of geometry.
• Easy cleaning inside the moulds, preventing the existence of any residue.
• Maintenance of characteristics that allow specific textures in the finished concrete.
• Any material can be used whenever it does not harm the properties of concrete.
A test for practical application of the described element was performed.
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