Novel solar photothermal system for seawater desalination and superheated steam generation

  • Unitat from Fundació URV
  • From Spain
  • Responsive
  • Patents for licensing

Summary of the technology

The conversion of light-to-heat for steam production is an emerging technology that can be used for several purposes such as seawater desalination, sterilization, hydrogen production and electricity generation. The performance of solar photothermal steam generation (SSG) depends basically on the generation of localized heat on the surface of photothermal materials that can intensify the yield of heated steam under plausible solar intensity. The present invention provides a novel protocol for the generation of superheated steam under low solar intensity by designing a simple and low-cost photothermal system. It is composed of hydrophilic water supply cellulose fibre tube with head coated with innovative clay modified activated carbon/CuO. Black materials are commonly used as photothermal. This special SSG configuration shows outstanding superheated steam which reaches up to 160.9°C under half sun, which has never been reported in non-pressurized mode.

Fundació URV

Details of the Technology Offer

Technically, the main purpose of this invention is the combination of photothermal system with thermal inertia phenomenon. Black materials are effective for solar light absorptivity and light-to-heat conversion. However, they show high IR emissivity rate, reaching up to 0.95-1, which significantly reduces the heat localization and evaporation process. To limit the IR emissivity, advanced studies suggested incorporating elements with low emissivity, such as Cu with IR emissivity of 0.3, into back photoabsorbers for tunning the emissivity. This approach is excellent to reduce IR emissivity, but it might reduce the light absorptivity if the ratio is not well optimized. We combine black activated carbon/CuO with kaolin clay to design for the first-time thermal inertia based SSG. Kaolin exhibits a high specific heat rating of945 J kg−1 K−1, which can reach up to 1006 J kg−1 K−1 after dehydroxylation. Kaolin mineral clay restricts the heat conductivity by storage it within itself up to its thermal capacity, and afterwards, the condensed heat starts to be distributed with multiplied values in slow-motion mode (thermal inertia).Coinciding with excellent heat production and localization, the cellulosic hydrophilic bridge ensures the continuous pumping of water from the bottom to the top surface to be evaporated into superheated steam. The heat convection, knowing as the passage of the heat from the top surface to the bottom water, is restricted owing to the insulator ability and with the help of fixed rubber cup around the cellulosic tube at the bottom to confine the heat at the upper side. The present process can produce superheated steam (up to 160.9°C) under half solar intensity (500 W.m2) in non-pressurized mode. The role of kaolin to store and multiply the heat is very crucial and the main reason behind this outstanding value. The invention also presents a novel photothermal steam production configuration which participates as well to restrict the heat convection and ensure flexible, continuous and timing water supply. The use of rubber cup is very important to restrict the heat convection, based on comparison using the same process without the rubber cup. Overall, this innovative approach might open doors to design further SSG with thermal inertia feature to be used for different application. For more information, please contact to us:

Current development status

Laboratory prototypes

Desired business relationship

Patent licensing

Joint ventures

Technology development

Intellectual property status

  • Patent already applied for
  • Patent application number :P202430667

Related Keywords

  • Solar / Thermal Energy Technology
  • Energy efficiency
  • Desalination
  • Protecting Man and Environment
  • Water Management
  • Marine Environment
  • seawater
  • photothermal seawater desalination
  • solar superheated steam generation
  • solar driven photothermal-photocatalytic h2 generation
  • steam sterilization
  • soil steaming detoxification

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Unitat de Valorització de la URV

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