Reusable device that allows the circulation of a constant volume of electrolyte in tests on rotating bending fatigue test machines.

Summary of the technology

Rotating bending fatigue machine are essential for testing material properties. It is usual to face samples of the different materials to conditions that differ from the usual ones, such as corrosive environments, to evaluate their behavior.
Researchers from the University of Burgos have developed a device that allows this type of analysis to be carried out, allowing, unlike many of the current methods, that the material to be analyzed is in direct contact with the electrolyte responsible for generating conditions other than the usual ones. Additionally, thank to the design of the device, it can be used in more than one experiment.


Details of the Technology Offer

New and innovative aspects

Currently, there are devices that allow electrochemical cells to be coupled to fatigue machines and, in this way, carry out these measurements, but not all of them allow the volume of electrolyte that is in contact with the test tube (material) to be controlled. The invention of the UBU researchers not only allows the test tube to be in continuous contact with the electrolyte but also allows the device to be attached to and uncoupled from the fatigue machine without making any modifications to it.

Main advantages of its use

The main advantages of this technology are the following:
- The device allows the test piece to be in contact with the electrolyte throughout the entire test, maintaining a constant volume of the same and controlling the surface of the material that is in contact with the electrolyte.
- The technology allows the renewal of the electrolyte during the analysis.
- The electrochemical cell object of the invention can be used without the need to make modifications to the fatigue machine.
- The material can be subjected to different environments likely to alter the fatigue behavior in a simple and efficient way.
- The ease of implementation makes the cost per test very competitive.


The device is a removable minicell or box that would be arranged surrounding the test tube without coming into contact with it. The device has an input and an output for the electrolyte with measures that allow controlling the volume contained by it. By means of a series of elements, the cell is arranged, without mooring, on the fatigue machine. At the end of the experiment, when the test tube breaks, the cell design allows its recovery, and it can be used again to carry out more tests.


This technology is of great interest to determine the physical properties of different materials. Being useful in the construction, energy, petrochemical, and metal industry sectors, among others.

Intellectual property status

Protected by a patent P202330236

Current development status

Prototype available for demonstration.

Desired business relationship

Trade Agreement, License Agreement, Technical cooperation: further development, Technical Cooperation: testing of new applications; Technical Cooperation: adaptation to specific needs.

Intellectual property status

Related Keywords

  • Industrial manufacturing, Material and Transport Technologies
  • Machine Tools
  • Building
  • Industrial Products
  • electrochemical
  • rotary bending fatigue machine


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