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Regenerative braking device capable of storing the kinetic energy absorbed during the braking process of the bicycle, by compressing ambient air and storing that energy as compressed air. This compressed air is used as an energy source in case of need extra help in cyclist’s pedalling.
New and innovative aspects
The main novelty is the accumulation of kinetic power through a pneumatic regenerative braking system instead of an electrical one, as usually occurs in mainly all the similar technologies nowadays.
It uses simpler and cheaper elements, fact that decreases manufacturing and maintenance costs.
Main advantages of its use
Bicycle with the purpose of use the energy lost in braking process to dispose of it when necessary, similar to KERS cars racing applied to cycling. This converts the kinetic energy of the user and his bike in pressure by compressing atmospheric air to an engine / rotary vane pump and stores it in a tank of carbon fibre.
When user needs extra power, turns the accelerator and the system delivers the energy stored in the reservoir to the compressor, so it does motor functions.
This device includes an electro-hydro- pneumatic control system that implements the regenerative brake, non-regenerative brake and accelerator functions.
Users who want simultaneous access to a conventional or impulse bicycle according to the effort requested in each section of the journey.
Users with special needs for moving.
Intellectual property status
Protected by PCT/ES2016/070534.
Current development status
Proof of concept.
Desired business relationship
Trade Agreement, License Agreement, Technical cooperation: further development, Technical Cooperation: testing of new applications; Technical Cooperation: adaptation to specific needs.
Intellectual property status
The aim of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Universidad de Burgos is to promote Innovative technology through the research results transfer and the connections between the University and the new needs and requirements of society - we are the link between the University and the Industry.
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