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Software developed for route optimization as intended for companies or entities interested in solving their problems of transportation planning (delivery to customers or delegations, collection suppliers, etc.).
The aim of using this system is to help obtain cheaper solutions, more convenient, secure and balanced routes (according to the goals considered) and conform to the restrictions of each situation.
New and innovative aspects
The novel aspect and that gives added value to the product compared to other commercial solutions is the optimization algorithm used which is where it resides the innovation of the software developed. This algorithm is the result of an extensive and profound work, since not all methods are equally good and therefore the development of a suitable algorithm is critical in obtaining good solutions.
Main advantages of its use
Among others the use of this system has the following advantages:
The developed system offers a user friendly visual environment, easily manageable. Basically manage the following elements:
This software has application in the field of route optimization in companies or entities interested in solving their problems of Logistic and Transportation planning (delivery to customers or delegations, collection suppliers, etc.). One area of particular interest is in the Logistics Industry, and specifically in the field of logistics operators that are a very important actors in this industry.
Intellectual property status
Protected by Intelectual Property BU-117-15.
Current development status
Kit avalaible for testing. Demo Test is avalaible as well.
Desired business relationship
Commercial agreement, License agreement, Technical cooperation: further development, Technical Cooperation: testing of new applications; Technical cooperation: adaptation to specific needs.
The aim of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Universidad de Burgos is to promote Innovative technology through the research results transfer and the connections between the University and the new needs and requirements of society - we are the link between the University and the Industry.
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