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Lifting platform as a tool attachable to three-point hitch for agricultural tractors constituted by an articulated mechanism that has a lifting platform with a cage to elevate people and to make agricultural work in height with safety.
New and innovative aspects
There isn´t any tool designed for the different task at height in the rural and
agricultural-livestock sector.
Main advantages of its use
Lifting platform as a tool, attachable to front or rear Three-point hitch for agricultural tractor, it´s not self-propelled, is feeds by tractor battery,
It has several systems and devices that provide security services like:
Users of the agricultural machinery industry for height tasks in the rural and Agricultural-livestock world such, like:
Intellectual property status
Protected by invention patent P201630499
Current development status
The device is in the market validation phase.
Desired business relationship
Commercial agreement; License agreement; Technical cooperation: further development; Technical cooperation: testing new applications; Technical cooperation: adaptation to specific needs
The aim of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Universidad de Burgos is to promote Innovative technology through the research results transfer and the connections between the University and the new needs and requirements of society - we are the link between the University and the Industry.
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