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The vast majority of metal products in the industrial level are obtained from sheet metal forming, which are used in a diversity of applications, from car bodies, appliances and planes, together with beverage packaging.
In order to define the final design and structure of a stamped component there are two fundamental steps: the manufacturing process to perform the part and the structural simulation to overcome the requirements for performance specifications.
The University of Burgos has patented procedure for the design and manufacturing of cold stamped metal part components that establishes an interconnection between the process simulation and the structural simulation during the development of the stamped components, so the mechanical properties of the material are modified in function of the predefined level got in each zone of the component.
simulation programs.
It is also defined a working methodology, applicable at the industry, to estimate by simulation the structural rigidity of the stamped components.
The product is a methodology that incorporates data processing software mainly applied to the development of metallic products obtained by cold stamping.
The users for: car bodies, household appliances; aircraft, beverage containers
Intellectual property status
Protected by patent P201630414
Current development status
In use, test results are available.
Desired business relationship
Commercial agreement; License agreement; Technical cooperation: further development; Technical cooperation: testing new applications; Technical cooperation: adaptation to specific needs
The aim of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Universidad de Burgos is to promote Innovative technology through the research results transfer and the connections between the University and the new needs and requirements of society - we are the link between the University and the Industry.
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