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A research group at the University of Burgos (UBU) has developed new aromatic polyamides (aramids) models and polymeric materials reinforced with carbon nano-fillers, chemically functionalized previously with these polyamide models, constituting materials with exceptional mechanical and thermal properties.
New and innovative aspects
These new aramids and / or polymers reinforced with carbon nanofillers can be prepared in the form of a porous membrane, dense membrane, coating, fiber, etc., constituting materials with exceptional mechanical and thermal properties. Nano and microporous materials are made by adding an ionic liquid in the preparation process and its subsequent removal in a solvent, producing high-performance materials with a reduced density.
Main advantages of its use
Aramids reinforced with nano-fillers are prepared by dispersing the functionalized nano-filler in a solution of the aramid, and subsequent removal of the solvent. These polymers can be prepared in the form of a porous membrane, dense membrane, coating, fiber etc. obtaining materials with exceptional mechanical and thermal properties. Nano and microporous materials are made by adding an ionic liquid in the preparation process and its subsequent elimination in a solvent, producing high-performance materials with reduced density.
These materials can be used as high-performance polymers in different applications, such as:
Intellectual property status
Protected by patent P202030044
Current development status
Device already developed and validated for industrialization.
Desired business relationship
Commercial Agreement, License Agreement, Technical Cooperation: further development; Technical Cooperation: testing new applications; Technical Cooperation: adaptation to specific needs.
Intellectual property status
The aim of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Universidad de Burgos is to promote Innovative technology through the research results transfer and the connections between the University and the new needs and requirements of society - we are the link between the University and the Industry.
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