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It is a device to be attached to wheelchairs to provide protection for their users from adverse weather conditions such as rainfall, snow or hail or against wind and protection from direct sunlight.
New and innovative aspects
- Is a rigid hood that gives stability to the assembly of the chair and increases the degree of protection against rain and wind.
- It has a mechanism which is operated automatically so that the user thereof has no impediment to operate it without help from another person.
- It has sunscreen and sidewalls that protect against the elements when gusts are lateral wind or rain.
Main advantages of its use
Today devices to cover users of wheelchairs are scarce and limited benefits. Our hood has the following advantages:
- Being a rigid hood protects the wearer from the rain and the wind and gives stability to the assembly of the chair.
- The folding and unfolding is automatic.
- It has a distinction between upper translucent zone (for sun exposure protection) and front transparent zone (for perfect visibility of the user).
- It covers the sides protecting the user from rain side bursts.
- It allows isolated from wind and cold as it covers the user through the top and front of his body.
The retractable hood for motorized wheelchairs has a rigid upper deck formed by three toroidal hoods slide one inside the next, a drive shaft which is connected to an electric motor secured to the hood body, two articulated quadrilaterals of rods both sides of the hood (responsible for transmitting the folding and unfolding motion to the cover) of toroidal hoods and side plates of a circular sector which are opened and closed sequentially on both sides of the chair wheel and offering the user lateral protection.
This application is of interest to companies and wheelchair manufacturers that want to implement a solution that would solve the problem that day still has not been resolved satisfactorily.
Intellectual property status
Protected by P201201037
Current development status
It is developed at design level and protected by patent.
Desired business relationship
Commercial Agreement, License Agreement, Technical Cooperation: further development; Technical Cooperation: testing new applications; Technical Cooperation: adaptation to specific needs.
Intellectual property status
The aim of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Universidad de Burgos is to promote Innovative technology through the research results transfer and the connections between the University and the new needs and requirements of society - we are the link between the University and the Industry.
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