Sustainable concrete with recycled concrete aggregate and wind turbine blade waste

Summary of the technology

The patent is based on the production of sustainable concrete using wind turbine blade waste, recycled concrete aggregates and conventional components. The production process guarantees good workability of the concrete and its efficient transportation. The wind turbine blade waste, composed of fibers, wood and polyurethane, is integrated into the concrete, offering advantages such as improved resistance to bending and contributing to the circular economy by reducing waste disposal and reducing the consumption of natural resources. The technology seeks a balance between sustainability, structural efficiency and minimization of environmental impact.


New and innovative aspects

- Use of wind turbine blade waste compatible with recycled concrete aggregate: This approach contributes to the reuse of industrial waste and the reduction of its environmental impact, in addition to solving the problem of the complex recycling of wind turbine blades.

- Use of recycled concrete aggregate: Integrating these components, optimizes the reuse of recycled materials and helps mitigate the demand for natural resources.

- Contribution to the circular economy: By minimizing the discharge of wind turbine waste and reducing the need for the production of new materials, it is aligned with the principles of the circular economy.

Main advantages of its use

- Adequate workability: Despite the presence of recycled concrete aggregate and wind turbine blade waste, a concrete is obtained that has adequate pumping capacity.

- Improved structural properties: The presence of the components used in this patent provides greater resistance to bending, post-cracking and post-breakage, improving the mechanical properties and increasing the safety of the structures.

- Reduction of C02 emissions: Reduces cement clinker production, reducing associated carbon dioxide emissions.


This innovative concrete is characterized by effectively integrating wind turbine blade waste and recycled aggregates, highlighting its contribution to sustainability and the circular economy. It presents fresh properties with a fluid consistency and low density. At 28 days, it exhibits compressive strength of 26.8-42.6 MPa, flexural strength of 4.9-6.4 MPa and improved mechanical properties thanks to the inclusion of glass fibers and polyurethane in the waste. This versatile concrete adapts to several construction applications, establishing itself as a technically and environmentally advanced option.


This sustainable concrete, composed of recycled concrete aggregate and wind turbine blade waste, finds applications in a variety of construction fields. From structural elements such as beams and columns to pavements, tubes and prefabricated elements, this versatile material adapts to several construction needs. Its improved strength, thanks to the inclusion of GFRP and polyurethane fibers in the waste, makes it a suitable choice for projects seeking both structural efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Intellectual property status

Protected by patent P202430081

Current development status

The patent has been tested in the laboratory, obtaining satisfactory results, and is ready for its production phase.

Desired business relationship

Commercial Agreement, License Agreement, Technical Cooperation: further development; Technical Cooperation: testing new applications; Technical Cooperation: adaptation to specific needs.

Intellectual property status

Related Keywords

  • Construction Technology
  • Energy Technology
  • Protecting Man and Environment
  • Sustainability
  • Industrial Products
  • wind turbines
  • circular economy


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