Augmented Reality on Android: Arquiz

Summary of the technology

ARQuiz is a customizable educational game for mobile devices. ARQuiz is an application designed with the purpose of learning and whose possibilities are limitless.


New and innovative aspects

  • New platforms such as Android
  • New technologies such as Augmented Reality
  • Education sector: children, seniors, disabled population
  • Figures interaction when selecting them

Main advantages of its use

  • Ease of use of the tool
  • Can be used by children, the elderly and people with disabilities


The game shows various objects (represented by the use of augmented reality anywhere on the screen of the mobile device) and the user's goal is to find the objects through clues.

initially, by default, there are several categories (geometric figures, animals, objects, kitchen, bathroom ...) and levels of difficulty, which can be varied, for example from searching a cube to find the 3-dimensional shape that has 30 edges.

You can create your own categories, questions, levels, and add your 3D designs from internal storage with simple menus, allowing you to create a custom game.

The software applies augmented reality in smartphones and tablets that have the Android operating system and the corresponding camera.


Educational sector. Children education, disabled population and aging support. It emphasizes the training on forms, colors, words, concepts, languages, etc.

Intellectual property status

Protected by intellectual property registration BU-146-13

Current development status

Commercially Available

Desired business relationship

Commercial Agreement, License Agreement, Technical Cooperation: further development; Technical Cooperation: testing new applications; Technical Cooperation: adaptation to specific needs.

Intellectual property status

  • Granted Patent
  • Patent application number : BU-146-13

Related Keywords

  • Electronics, IT and Telecomms
  • Electronics, Microelectronics
  • Visualisation, Virtual Reality
  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Cyber Security
  • Computer related
  • educational device


The aim of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Universidad de Burgos is to promote Innovative technology through the research results transfer and the connections between the University and the new needs and requirements of society - we are the link between the University and the Industry.


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