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Electrical and topological modeling of electrical distribution networks for visualization in Google Earth and subsequent optimization studies and calculations of load flows and connection capacities of electrical generators according to RDC / DE / 001/21 of the National Commission of the Markets and the Competence. Export of the model to software in PTI RAW and Powerworld format.
Software developed to process the files of the electrical distributors and obtain files format for Power Flow calculation software.
New and innovative aspects
The modeling of distribution networks is automated from files that all electricity distributors in Spain are obliged to report to the CNMC. As it is plain text from the GIS of each distributor, the output format is unified to view it in a universal and free software (Google Earth).
Main advantages of its use
- It allows to visualize in a geolocated way the correction and consistency of the numerical data of the distribution networks.
- A network model is obtained for study in power flow software that is otherwise very laborious to obtain.
The software, developed in Visual Basic NET, processes the tables of plain text files to generate the models of the networks and export them in KML format or from another software provider.
Processing of the files of the Spanish Electric Power Distributors for visualization and subsequent exploitation calculations.
Current development status
Software developed and validated for your use.
Desired business relationship
Commercial agreement for data processing and technical studies
Intellectual property status
The aim of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Universidad de Burgos is to promote Innovative technology through the research results transfer and the connections between the University and the new needs and requirements of society - we are the link between the University and the Industry.
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