Peppermint Breath-Activated Mask for Respiratory Relief

Summary of the technology

- Breath-activated mask delivering peppermint compounds for bronchodilation.
- Reduces symptoms of respiratory distress by simulating controlled breathing.
- Portable, disposable, and over-the-counter accessible solution.

Georgetown University

Details of the Technology Offer


The Georgetown University Peppermint Mask offers an innovative approach to treating respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and coughs. This breath-activated device uses peppermint-derived compounds to relax smooth muscles and increase carbon dioxide retention, enhancing bronchodilation and reducing symptoms. The mask is portable, disposable, and made from inexpensive materials, making it ideal for over-the-counter sales. By simulating controlled breathing techniques, it effectively alleviates respiratory distress without additional effort from the user.


Respiratory disorders like asthma and bronchitis are common, with traditional treatments often causing side effects and lacking in accessibility. The Peppermint Mask addresses these issues by providing a non-invasive, natural alternative that is both cost-effective and easy to use. Its design leverages the antispasmodic properties of peppermint to improve patient outcomes, particularly in underserved urban populations where asthma prevalence is high.


Natural and Safe: Utilizes peppermint oil, reducing reliance on synthetic drugs and associated side effects.

User-Friendly: No need for patient training; simple and effective usage.

Cost-Effective: Made from inexpensive, biodegradable materials.

Accessible: Ideal for over-the-counter sales, increasing availability in underserved areas.

Multi-Functional: Helps with asthma, bronchitis, and general respiratory distress.

Market Application

  • Asthma Management: Provides a new treatment option for patients with mild to moderate asthma.
  • Bronchitis Relief: Effective in reducing mucus production and cough associated with bronchitis.
  • Respiratory Infections: Helps alleviate symptoms of cough and wheezing from respiratory infections.
  • Cold-Induced Asthma: Warms and humidifies air to prevent cold-induced asthma attacks.


US Utility Patent No. 10,610,494,US DIV Patent No. 11,484,509

Related Keywords

  • Medical Research
  • Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering
  • Therapeutic
  • Therapeutic services
  • healthcare
  • therapy

About Georgetown University

Our mission is to advance GU’s innovations through strategic alliances and new venture creation, to facilitate the translation of research breakthroughs into tangible solutions, and to cultivate a dynamic and inclusive environment for entrepreneurship. We advance this mission in support of the GU community and for the benefit of society.

Rohan Joy Mathew

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