MBHT. Territorial Human Well-Being Matrix

Summary of the technology

The Territorial Human Well-Being Matrix (THWM) facilitates demonstrating the positive impact of real estate projects by evaluating territorial well-being through 18 indicators grouped into four dimensions: accessibility, environmental, socioeconomic, and security. It provides a detailed analysis, ranging from the local to the regional level, and simplifies the demonstration of positive impact using an index that ranges from 0 to 1.

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Details of the Technology Offer

The THWM uses a data model that can be replicated in any territory with available data. Its simulation model allows for the visualization of the impact of real estate projects, assessing how they will affect the community. This enables adjustments to be made to the project from its initial phase, achieving an investment that not only meets monetary goals but also social ones.

Current development status

Commercially available technologies

Related Keywords

  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Infrastructures for social sciences and humanities
  • Smart City
  • Sustainability
  • Other
  • Services
  • Other services (not elsewhere classified)

About Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

The Adolfo Ibáñez University (UAI) is a private, non-profit institution, established as such in 1988. Originating from the Valparaíso School of Business, which was established in 1953 by the Adolfo Ibáñez Foundation, custodian of the legacy of the businessman and public figure Don Adolfo Ibáñez Boggiano.

Its main mission is to provide education that, based on freedom and personal responsibility, allows its students to develop their full intellectual and human potential.

To achieve this, UAI is committed to providing professional education with high academic standards, contributing to expanding the frontiers of knowledge through high-level research, and transferring this knowledge for the benefit of society.

Dirección de Transferencia Tecnológica (DIT) Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

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