Real-time communication system between deaf and hearing people

Summary of the technology

The Robotics and Three-Dimensional Vision (RoViT) research group at the University of Alicante has developed a real-time communication platform between the hearing community and the deaf community using sign language. All this in a simple and bidirectional way through natural language processing techniques and the camera and the screen of a computer or mobile device.

Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Alicante


In order to achieve communication between the hearing community and the deaf community using sign language as a means of communication, it has been necessary to develop two functionalities:

1) Sign to text: On the one hand, the platform recognises and interprets what a user signs in front of a camera, providing a transcription in text and voice (see Figure 1). The system that implements this functionality consists of a camera, which can be of any type, including those cameras integrated in mobile devices and tablets, which will be in charge of capturing the images of a person signing in Sign Language (SL). These images are processed by neural networks to obtain the signed signs, generating a sentence or complete text in SL. This text is the input to a third module in charge of its translation into Oral Language (OL) through a natural language processing (NLP) technique. The generated text is displayed on a screen that can be a computer screen, any mobile device or tablet.

Figure 1. Diagram of the functionality corresponding to the generation of text and speech from signing in front of a camera.

2) From text and/or voice to sign: On the other hand, the platform obtains, from text or a voice message, the corresponding LS transcription and displays it on the screen by means of a virtual avatar (see Figure 2). Thus, in this case, the user will indicate the text he/she wishes to sign by voice, using any microphone or keyboard (including those that allow handwritten text to be typed). Once the text has been obtained, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique is used to obtain the text expressed in LSE signs. These signs are signed by a virtual avatar displayed on a screen, whether it is a computer screen, a mobile device or a tablet.

Figure 2: Diagram of the functionality corresponding to the generation of the signing by means of a virtual avatar from text or audio entered by a user.



• This system works in real time, in a simple and fast way.

• It is able to recognise complete sentences, unlike other platforms that only offer sign-by-sign recognition.

• To achieve this communication, it is only necessary to have a mobile device with a camera and a screen.

• The accuracy of the system reaches 95%.


• Allows two-way communication, i.e. conversion from sign to text, but also from text and/or speech to sign. Until now only sign-to-text conversion was possible.

• The system includes facial keypoints that allow for more accurate sign language recognition by including the analysis of facial expressions and vocalisation of signs.


The technology is at an advanced stage of development (offering an accuracy of 95%)with a demo. So far, it has been trained with vocabulary especially in the field of catering and health but is intended to be extended to new areas.


We are looking for companies or entities interested in acquiring this technology for commercial exploitation through patent licensing agreements or for the development of the technology and its adaptation to the specific needs of their activity.

Intellectual property status

  • Granted Patent
  • Patent application number :

Related Keywords

  • Computer Software Technology
  • Human Language Technologies
  • Program development tools/languages
  • Medicine and Health
  • Computer Science, Language and Communication
  • communicatiom

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