Novel individualized, homogeneous and adjustable lighting system for animals

Summary of the technology

The Neurobiology of the Visual System and Therapy of Neurodegenerative Diseases (NEUROVIS) research group at the University of Alicante has developed a comprehensive lighting system for housed animals that can be self-regulated in an individualized and automated way, depending on the specific lighting conditions of the space or module in which each animal is located.

Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Alicante


The Neurobiology of the Visual System and Therapy of Neurodegenerative Diseases (NEUROVIS) research group at the University of Alicante has developed an individual adjustable lighting system for stabled animals that solves the technical problems mentioned above.

This integral lighting system provides each animal or group of animals with a homogeneous and regulated light source, which can be modified depending on the experimental or production requirements, providing adequate lighting conditions for each need and avoiding lighting differences between individuals.

This consists of a modular system made up of four fundamental elements (Figure 1):

1. Programmable logic controller for the control of the modules, which is common to all the modules where the animals are housed.

2. Illuminance measuring device (luxmeter), which allows real-time monitoring of the illumination received by the animals.

3. Dimmable led power supply.

4. LED lighting, which will provide the programmed lighting, modifying its intensity based on the electrical power determined by the programmable automaton through the dimmable power supply.

The PLC consists of a monitoring system, a control system and an operational part. It will be able to register and regulate the lighting of different rooms or modules, each with a different lighting pattern if necessary.

The number of lux meters, power supplies and LED strips will depend on the number of modules or units to be illuminated.

The elements that make up the system are arranged in such a way that they generate a closed feedback loop, in which the automaton regulates the LED lighting according to the signal perceived by the sensors.

From this structuring we obtain a lighting system that can be individually regulated, depending on the specific needs of each animal, in order to optimize the process of breeding and maintenance of animals, minimizing the level of stress, and optimizing visual function, circadian rhythms, and other key factors for the health and aging of the animals.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of an animal housing facility, involving two modules (A) and (B), for rearing animals with different lighting needs. (0) Rodent cages; (1) programmable logic controller; (2) photocell or luxmeter; (3) dimmable led power supply; and (4) LED strips.



The main advantages of the developed lighting system are the following:

• It provides homogeneous, individualized and adjustable lighting, allowing to adjust the intensity or type of light to the needs of each species, strain, individual or circumstance.

• The illumination, being distributed homogeneously in each cage or cabin, does not depend on the location of each individual, since they will all be at the same distance from the light source.

• It provides adequate lighting conditions for every need and avoids lighting differences between individuals.

• Its use allows optimizing the process of breeding and maintenance of animals, minimizing the level of stress, and optimizing visual function, circadian rhythms, and other key factors for the health and aging of the animals.


The main innovative aspect of this technology lies in the fact that the novel and original connection and arrangement of elements already available gives the lighting system properties that do not exist in current lighting systems, which represent a qualitative improvement in the lighting of housed animals, responding to needs that have not been met to date.


The research group has a prototype demonstrator.

With this system it has been possible to efficiently and easily adapt the lighting conditions to each group of animals depending on their needs.

The research group has published a study demonstrating the effects of illumination on the progression of a degenerative eye disease (Kutsyr et al., IOVS: 61, 1, 2020; doi:


Types of agreements sought for commercial exploitation:

• Patent license agreements.

• R&D projects of the technology to adapt it to the customer's needs.

• Consulting services.

• Etc.

Type of companies sought:

• Manufacturers of equipment for animal facilities.

• Manufacturers of animal research equipment.

• Manufacturers of luminaires, mainly oriented to animal research.

• Manufacturers of tools for the veterinary, biotechnology and biomedical sectors.

Intellectual property status

  • Granted Patent
  • Patent application number :

Related Keywords

  • Biological Sciences
  • Biology / Biotechnology
  • Medical Health related
  • Animal health
  • Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
  • Pharmacology, Cosmetics and Ophthalmology

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