Complete End to End Industrial Design and Product Development

Summary of the technology

Sometimes you just need assurance, but sometimes, you need an alternative perspective. We do this for you, as your end to end product lifecycle partner. We will take your ideas and convert them into products and solutions, that give you assurance and your customers, delight. Our Product Development offering is underpinned by our experience of delivering projects for highly regulated sectors such as consumer goods and personal products, healthcare, sustainable transport and mobility, space and nuclear.

Equitus Design Engineering and Innovations Limited

Details of the Technology Offer

Sometimes you just need assurance, but sometimes, you need an alternative perspective. We do this for you, as your end to end product lifecycle partner. We will take your ideas and convert them into products and solutions, that give you assurance and your customers, delight. Our Product Development offering is underpinned by our experience of delivering projects for highly regulated sectors such as consumer goods and personal products, healthcare, sustainable transport and mobility, space and nuclear.

A product design is only as good as its manufacturability. A design is only useful when converted into a tangible product or solution. Our Design for Manufacture expertise ensures precisely this. Listed below are three of the many benefits:

  • Reduction in costs: cost reduction is achieved across multiple avenues such as materials, processes and scaling-up.
  • Accelerated route to market: Avoiding nasty surprises at production stage and eliminating re-work and re-design.
  • Compliance from the word go: Being compliance focused from the start for product assurance and certification.

Attached documents

Related Keywords

  • Industrial manufacturing, Material and Transport Technologies
  • Design and Modelling / Prototypes
  • Industrial Technologies
  • Lightweight
  • Sustainability
  • Industrial Products
  • Engineering services

About Equitus Design Engineering and Innovations Limited

Welcome to Equitus Engineering.
Our engineering solutions and services make us your end-to-end product lifecycle partner. Our fixed priced, deliverables focused offerings provide you with value upfront and certainty of what you will get for your investment.

Raam Shankar

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