Water remediation using novel advanced porous materials

  • IMDEA Energy
  • From Spain
  • Responsive
  • Innovative Products and Technologies

Summary of the technology

Highly stable porous materials (powder or pellets) specially tailored for the adsorption or degradation of emerging contaminants is here offered. These materials are specifically designed to eliminate novel organic contaminants from water by selective adsorption and/or degradation in the presence (or not) of light (UV-vis or vis), even under continuous flow. We are looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance and research cooperation agreement.

IMDEA Energy


Highly stable porous materials (powder or pellets) specially tailored for the adsorption or degradation of emerging contaminants is here offered. These materials are specifically designed to eliminate novel organic contaminants from water by selective adsorption and/or degradation in the presence (or not) of light (UV-vis or vis), even under continuous flow. We are looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance and research cooperation agreement.

Water pollution is increasingly becoming a challenge due to novel anthropogenic pollutants (named emerging organic contaminants, EOCs). Despite some methods have been proposed for the EOCs exclusion, the insufficient EOCs removal of these processes makes necessary to search new efficient alternatives. Here, we propose new adsorbent materials combining selective removal and degradation of EOC.

Advantages and Innovations

This new class of porous materials, known as Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) present several advantages compared to classical adsorbent materials (carbons, zeolites, silicas). MOFs present versatile composition, large structural variability, very important porosity with large panel of pore sizes and shapes, easy modulation of their physicochemical properties, some work as catalyst, and are highly stable in water. These features make them excellent candidates for the selective and important adsorption of large variety of EOCs.

Market Applications

• Water treatment plants

• Research on photodegradation of EOCs.

• Water remediation filters.

• Testing water remediation in hospitals.

• Testing EOCs elimination under continuous flow

Related Keywords

  • Industrial manufacturing, Material and Transport Technologies
  • Materials Technology
  • Non-ferrous Metals
  • Hybrid materials
  • Nanomaterials
  • Industrial Technologies

About IMDEA Energy

IMDEA Energy Institute was created in 2006 as non-profit Foundation to promote and carry out R&D&i activities to contribute to the development of a sustainable and decarbonised energy system.
IMDEA Energy is strongly committed to the transfer of R&D outcomes to the productive sector and to seek joint eff orts with other technology research centers and universities, promoting excellence in research on energy issues and complementarity among different entities. IMDEA Energy gathers cutting edge skills and significant experience in R&D, testing and assessment of energy technologies and offers these services to private companies, universities and research and technological centers.
Research lines:
- Production of sustainable fuels: hydrogen, biofuels and valorized wastes
- Solar power
- Energy storage: electrochemical, thermal and thermochemical systems
- Energy systems with enhanced efficiency
- Power systems and Demand Management
- Valorization of CO2 emissions
- Analysis and assessment of energy systems
In 2020, it obtained the accreditation of ‘María de Maeztu’ Unit of Excellence, granted by the State Research Agency to identify and promote excellence in high-impact scientific research.

IMDEA Energy

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