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We are seeking new on-pack promo scan code options for cans, labels, and closures that would:
- Simplify consumer participation
- Ensure integrity of promotion
- Be more cost-effective
- Be easier to produce and handle on existing manufacturing lines.
Current Solution:
PepsiCo runs promotions by leveraging promotion codes that directly connect product purchases with promotion participation.
Codes are usually located:
Option 1: Under the ring pull Option 2: Under the bottle cap Option 3: On the bottle label
Key Challenges:
1. Difficult for a consumer to participate (requires manual typing, allows mistakes and or fraud, lowers promotion participation rate)
2. Codes add production and supply chain complexity and costs
Key success Criteria
Possible Approaches
Approaches not of Interest
Unless significant advances have been established, PepsiCo is not interested in:
Preferred Collaboration types
PepsiCo is primarily interested in technologies that are close to commercial availability, yet early-stage solutions may also be of interest, provided a clear development pathway exists.
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