Seeking Sustainable Bio-Based Material for Low-Temperature Extrusion in FMCGs/CPGs 

  • Anonymous Organization
  • From European Union
  • Responsive
  • Project Size Range : Strategic project backed by large scale funding €
  • Deadline completed
    The submission process for new proposals is closed. Proposals submitted before the deadline will follow the standard evaluation process.

Desired outcome

A major FMCG producer is currently looking for a material that can be processed by extrusion. This could involve an existing material, a newly developed material, or a novel method/formula for creating such a material.

Ideally, this material should be extrudable at relatively low temperatures (preferably around 100°C maximum) while exhibiting good stiffness. Company is interested in options that are either biobased or biodegradable and comply with the TOY Safety Directive.

Organization from European Union

The company is seeking worldwide solutions, with a focus on materials available inthe EU. The prioritized technologies are above Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7, supported by relevant non-confidential data showcasing efficiency and feasibility.

Intellectual Property (IP) status is flexible.

The context & Business objective:

Thecompany gained recognition for theirutilization ofvarious types of plastics, both recycled and non-recycled, to create high-quality products. Companywould like to find a solution that removes some or all of the plastic keeping acceptable mechanical resistance, selecting a material suitable for large-scale production of FMCGs/CPGs.

Theobjective is tomaintain the necessary integrity and performance while enhancing specific characteristics. By strategically reducing oreliminating certain elements andoptimizing the composition to prioritize essential components,the companyseeks to improve the overall quality of their offerings. This enhancement will elevate their competitiveness in the market and appeal to customers who prioritize superior performance and enhanced features.

The company would like to substitute or replace the following current solutions for these applications: Plastic parts and Natural wood parts.

Must haves:

  • Extrudable
  • Flexural modulus (ISO 178) > 1500 MPa
  • Compliant withTOY Safety Directive(EN 71)

Nice to haves:

  • Process extrusion temperature below 100°C
  • Abilityto be foamed
  • Material that can be easily colored
  • Sustainable, bio- based, biodegradable product
  • Material which can be supplied in large quantities (>1000 Tons per year)
  • Solution that can be affordable and cost effective for FMCG/CPG industrila production

Discarded solutions :

  • Commodityplastics (PE, PP,PS, ABS, PLA…) regardless the origin ( virgin, recycled, bio-based plastics )
  • Highly filledplastic compounds (ex. of materials used incompositedecking boards, WPC…)
  • Material implyingwater to be processed and needing to be driedin the end

The opportunity:

By participating in this innovation challenge, applicants have the opportunity to engage in various desired business relationships, including R&D contracts, technology licensing, joint development, supply agreements, and patent sales.

Moreover, successful proposals stand to benefit from an extended collaboration business contract for prototype development. This could potentially lead to ongoing partnerships geared towards technology transfer and scaling up.

Business timelines :

  • Proof ofConcepttrials or tests startingQ3-Q4,2024
  • Bybeginning of2025, havea first prototype product andinitiate the productionupscalingtests
  • Expect to have a final formula byQ2-2025

Related Keywords

  • Extrusion
  • Materials Technology
  • Chemical Technology and Engineering
  • Biobased high-performance materials
  • Materials supply & development
  • Sustainability
  • Materials and Manufacturing Processes
  • Materials Processes
  • Novel Materials and Materials Technology
  • Industrial Products
  • Homogeneous injections/extrusions
  • biodegradable materials
  • extrusion material
  • reactive extrusion

About Us

We stand as a global frontrunner in fast-moving consumer goods, boasting significant innovation across various product categories. Our robust manufacturing and commercial footprint spans the globe, encompassing retail, B2B, D2C, and beyond, alongside an extensive portfolio of products. With a formidable innovation roadmap, we aim to bolster further through strategic collaborations, fostering human-centric and eco-friendly innovative solutions and products.

About Innovation Needs

Innovation Needs on Innoget are directly posted and managed by its members as well as evaluation of proposals. Innoget is the trusted open innovation and science network aimed at directly connect industry needs with professionals online.