- Anonymous Organization
- From European Union
- Responsive
- Project Size Range : 250,000 - 1,000,000 €
- Posted by
Desired outcome
We are looking for food grade raw materials which improves shelf life in final products, such meat preparations and meat products, cooked and dry-cured, from olive tree or olive origin.
For preservation we are interested in both natural solutions active against spoilage bacteria but also pathogenic bacteria like Listeria, Salmonella and Clostridium.
For Oxidation we are interested in both natural solutions that protects against fat and/or colour oxidation.
Details of the Innovation Need
Current trend in meat markets is to reduce, and if it’s possible, eliminate, additives with E number from the ingredients lists. This can put in compromise shelf life of finished products if solutions are not well validated.
Lots of E number alternatives are available, but most of them has no scientific knowledge behind or this knowledge are not shared. That issue makes that no proper developments can be done, and we cannot support customers on their clean label projects.
Moreover, some of them are not regulatory compliant or the given information is not enough to validate in front of regulatory authorities
In that context, to provide natural solutions with a strong scientific base and regulatory compliant for preservation and oxidation is of big interest for the food industry, and, in particular, for the meat sector.
Consumers are increasingly demanding clearer labelling with recognizable ingredients. The olive is highly appreciated and has a positive impact on customers, due to the fact that it is part of the Mediterranean diet and its health benefits.
Must Have
- Antioxidant activity, colour and/or
- Antioxidant activity, fat and/or
- Preservative activity, shelf life extender and/or
- Preservative activity, active against pathogenic bacteria, mainly Listeria, Salmonella and/or Clostridium and/or
- Regulatory compliant in Europe
- Robust scientific data
- Analytical values
- Shelf-life studies
Nice to Have
- Tests done in meat applications
- Powder state
- No allergens
- Low application dosage
Technology Readiness Level sought (TRL)
We are open to any solution, despite its commercialization status, as far as robust scientific data is provided that shows the benefits of the offered solution. Ideally, it should be as much close to the market as possible, either as part of the commercial portfolio or at latest development stages in startups and technological based companies. Being said that, we will also study solutions that are at the very early stage in academics, universities and research labs. In that cases we can be interested in partnering with them to bring the solution to the market
Possible solution areas
- Any molecule coming from olive trees, leaves, ...
Discarded solutions
- Anything not related with olive
Legal Requirements
- Compliant with EU regulation
Cost related Requirements of the solution
- No limitations at this stage
Related Keywords
About Us
One of the worldwide leaders of the food ingredients industry. The Company, with the HQ in Western Europe, have production and R&D sites all over the world were a wide range of natural ingredients are produced
About Innovation Needs
Innovation Needs on Innoget are directly posted and managed by its members as well as evaluation of proposals. Innoget is the trusted open innovation and science network aimed at directly connect industry needs with professionals online.