Seeking sensing technology based solution for packaging that measures the level of the product inside the packaging
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- Project Size Range : Strategic project backed by large scale funding €
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Desired outcome
We are looking for a smart packaging solution, based on sensing technology to sense the fill level of the product inside the packaging & notify the consumer & the manufacturer about the emptying of the product.
A small sensing device which will be part of primary packaging, shall automatically detect left out product (liquid) quantity in the bottle (opaque or translucent) & generate an auto generated message to the consumer and the manufacturer.
Details of the Innovation Need
A small sensing device which will be part of primary packaging, shall automatically detect left out product (liquid) quantity in the bottle (opaque or translucent) & generate an auto generated message to the consumer and the manufacturer.
Probably, the sensor sends out the signal to the consumer`s smart phone & they will be able to identify - The wholesome solution is needed
1. Automatic
2. Sensing the product left out in the bottle
3. Auto alert to consumer for ordering refill
4. For liquid products
6. Water resistant
5. Strength to withstand the transit & handling hazard
7. Country/ Market - INDIA
8. Should be workable for the entire shelf life of the product
9. Tamper proof
10. The solution should be applicable to a pack/bottle of aprox 250ml
Discarded solutions
No manual solution
Possible solution areas
Weighing scales
Related Keywords
About Us
We are a company with global and multinational brands. Our business is highly R&D driven. We sell our products worldwide and target considerable market sizes with our innovations.
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