Seeking novel research projects to better understand and address COVID-19 outbreak

  • Covid-19 Innovation Challenges by Innoget
  • From United Kingdom
  • Very responsive
  • Project Size Range : 0 - 50,000 €
  • Deadline completed
    The submission process for new proposals is closed. Proposals submitted before the deadline will follow the standard evaluation process.

Desired outcome

The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy is launching a COVID-19 funding call to support researchers in better understanding and addressing COVID-19 outbreak.

1. Grants of up to £25,000 to support research projects. Exceptional grants in excess of £25,000 will be considered. The funding scope covers:

New projects
Extension of existing research projects
Expenditure of staff and or consumables
2. Applications are open worldwide to all organisations and will be subject to a rapid peer review process.

3. Research findings will be considered for fast track open access online publication in JAC or JAC-AMR.

Covid-19 Innovation Challenges by Innoget

Details of the Innovation Need

How to apply:

  • Expressions of interest, in the form of a single A-4 summary should be submitted to by Friday 17 April.
  • Successful applicants will be invited to submit a short application by Friday 1 May
  • Awards will be announced week commencing Monday 18 May

Standard BSAC terms and conditions will apply.

If you are a virologist with research experience (and any time to spare!) we would appreciate your support in peer reviewing expressions of interest and applications received. Please contact Felicity at

BSAC has an ongoing commitment to support scientific research through its grants programme in the area of infectious diseases.

Related Keywords

  • Biological Sciences
  • Medicine, Human Health
  • Biostatistics, Epidemiology
  • Clinical Research, Trials
  • Diagnostics, Diagnosis
  • Environmental Medicine, Social Medicine, Sports Medicine
  • Medical Research
  • Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering
  • Pharmaceutical Products / Drugs
  • Virus, Virology / Antibiotics / Bacteriology
  • Medical Biomaterials
  • Human vaccines
  • Emergency Medicine Technology
  • Medical Health related
  • Diagnostic
  • Diagnostic services
  • Other Medical/Health Related
  • Clinical Medicine
  • Covid-19
  • coronavirus
  • covid-19

About Covid-19 Innovation Challenges by Innoget

Ahead of the current Coronavirus outbreak, Innoget is fully committed to contributing to mobilizing scientific and expert communities to find a real solution to the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, we're supporting worldwide calls and programs that could help in any aspects of the coronavirus crisis.

Is your organization promoting or looking for innovation or research initiatives to mitigate the Covid-19 outbreak? Email us at to list them.

Channeled through Innoget's online open innovation network, initiatives in the health, virology, medicine, or novel technologies applied to human health, among others, are listed and disseminated to Innoget members -ranging from hospitals, research institutes, scientists, businesses, and public administrations- and innovation partners worldwide.

Covid-19 Innovation Challenges by Innoget

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Innovation Needs on Innoget are directly posted and managed by its members as well as evaluation of proposals. Innoget is the trusted open innovation and science network aimed at directly connect industry needs with professionals online.