- Anonymous Organization
- From Germany
- Responsive
- Project Size Range : Strategic project backed by large scale funding €
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Desired outcome
Malodour is defined as an olfactory stimulant that when detected is considered to be offensive to the individual. Common malodours are often attributed to poor personal hygiene including halitosis, damp dog smells, tobacco smells, bathroom odours as well as damp clothing. Depending on the type and source of odour, specific solutions against it are necessary. The fight against malodours in the household area is time and energy consuming. For many consumers common ways e.g. masking of odour with fragrance are no longer adequate and more effective solutions are required.
The company is searching for solutions that can be applied to consumer products to ensure long-term effectiveness in malodour control, especially focusing on new and effective means of eliminating malodours on soft surfaces (e.g. prevent the smell from lingering on clothes or fabrics), as odours can be deposited and easily trapped in materials. The company is specifically looking for a solution which contains active molecules that attract and eliminates malodours completely and permanently.
The company is searching for innovative chemistry-based solutions that enable a variety of odours to be neutralised during known household applications. These solutions could be reactive (to remove current odours), preventative (prevent odour formation) or protective (hinders odours from adhering) and sourced from (but not limited to) the following technologies using: Odour Neutralisers, Odour absorbers, Odour converters, Odour magnets, Odour trappers, Odour conjugation, Odour elimination
The solution should preferably be applicable on soft surface (e.g. textiles, nonwovens, fabrics) by liquid treatment based on aqueous solutions and biodegradable, environmentally friendly.
The company is open to work with a wide variety of partners to deliver innovation into their product range. Private label opportunities are particularly interesting, as the company requires the functionality of such a product but does not need to acquire the brand or compete with existing applications.
Discarted solutions
Physical fiber modifications or pretreatment made on the individual threads before the fabric is made.
Related Keywords
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