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The company is seeking drug discovery project for collaborations in the area of Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI). They would like to identify and evaluate research projects in hit to lead stage utilizing partners' technologies.
The purpose of this proposal request is to improve drug-discovery process through collaborative projects and create original pharmaceutical products utilizing an open innovation approach, moreover enhance the seeker business model.
The company offers wide range of opportunities including collaborative research/development, licensing of asset/technology and possible funding.
A midsize Japanese pharmaceutical company having an R&D with a consistent manufacturing capability is seeking drug discovery project for accelerating hit generation of small molecules.
The company is seeking drug discovery project for collaborations in the area of Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI). They would like to identify and evaluate research projects in hit to lead stage utilizing the following fundamental technologies:
1. AI (Artificial Intelligence), Big Data analytics
-Technology applicable in the future to designing a compound that targets PPI (Protein-Protein Interaction) interface or prediction of targetable PPI, etc.
2. DEL (DNA-Encoded Chemical Libraries)
3. Cryo-EM (Cryo-electron microscopy)
4. De novo design of peptide/mini-protein
- To design peptide or mini-protein using in silico approach to improve efficiency of wet synthetic process, etc.
5. FBDD (Fragment-Based Drug Discovery/Design)
6. Multiple DDSs (Drug Delivery Systems)
-Nanoparticle to transfer middle-molecular compound and higher, such as peptide or miniprotein into the cell.
-Other DDS technologies.
7. SMI-seq/IDUP (Single-Molecular-Interaction sequencing/Interaction Determination using Unpurified Proteins)
-Technology that enables improvement of drug discovery productivity by screening compounds that bond to more than one kind of protein at once by using DNA barcodes.
-The company also anticipates technology that can accelerate drug discovery research by being combined with DEL (DNA-Encoded Chemical Libraries)
New type of innovation management and business development firm. Thought leadership, advisement and execution directed towards companies’ growth by open innovation. Services include:
• Training, mentoring and management of clients’ internal innovation process
• Innovation Fatigue prophylactics
• Proactive strategy consulting
• Vendor independent problems “diagnostics” and outsourcing
• Technology scouting and external innovation vendors management
• Partnership and networking access across industries and geographies
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