- Anonymous Organization
- From Germany
- Responsive
- Project Size Range : Strategic project backed by large scale funding €
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Desired outcome
The company is seeking analytical innovation for residual chemical detection (down to ppm levels) in a fluid matrix that could comprise both petroleum-based and aqueous based components. The ideal chemical sensors must able to operate remotely at harsh conditions of high pressure & temperature and to characterize the multiphase composition and residual chemical presence. Relevant technical proposal can be carried out in the framework of a joint venture, license or research cooperation agreement.
Details of the Innovation Need
The petroleum-based matrix composition is a very complex mixture of compounds, consisting of a large number of individual chemical components with a wide range of boiling temperatures. When present in oil wells and pipelines, it formed a high-pressure multiphase mixture of crude oil, water and dissolved gasses. Under these harsh conditions where pressures can be several thousand psi, and temperatures raising up to 150°C, lighter hydrocarbons methane, ethane, propane and butane are occur as gases while water can be very saline with plenty of hardness.
There are numerous sensors available in the market of various analytical techniques but not many can evaluate and detect residual chemicals in the petroleum-based composition remotely at extreme operating conditions. Furthermore, there is also a technology gap between qualitative and quantitative analysis for petroleum-based composition and residual chemicals.
The company is seeking remote chemical sensor technologies that can characterize the profile of petroleum-based composition and residual chemicals in pipelines. The requested technology should be at least TRL 5 (validation in relevant environment) and provide a way to profile the chemical composition in petroleum, along with demonstrate laboratory or pilot scale data.
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