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Asgard Consulting posted this:
Volumetric protector of burned or wounded extremitiesOur client has developed a technology based on non-woven polypropylene fabric (similar to that of surgical masks), breathable (85%) and with a screen effect against microbial flora, to isolate extremities affected (arms, hands, feet or legs.) in a safe environment. , feet or legs), allowing the evolution of the wound to be checked, as it is transparent. The product is a Class I medical device and its manufacture is guaranteed with the appropriate machinery in operation. The company is looking for a company interested in taking charge of the project in its entirety, covering the final phases of development and its commercialization. They are not interested in a royalty dealBrunel University London posted this:
Vulcanaer: Air Hybrid for Diesel EnginesVulcanaer is a novel regenerative hybrid engine system for diesel transport systems, particularly urban busses and delivery trucks. It converts a vehicle engine into an air pump during decelerations. It harvests the braking energy and stores it as compressed air for subsequent use to restart the engine in stop/start operation, saving battery and starter motor life. It also saves fuel as the compressed air also assists the normal engine-driven air compressor. Furthermore it can enhance the turbo thus reducing black smoke during acceleration from stationary
Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI posted this:
Walker for the mobility of people with motor disability.A research group from the Signal Theory and Communications Department of Alcalá University has developed a disability walker for improving the mobility of people with motor disability. This walker includes a guide for the leg together with an electronic system, that improves the user of manoeuvrability allowing the configuration of basic actions. This invention is part of the "Loyalty Technological Program," which has been designed by the research group to raise funds for the development and adaptation of technical aids that improve the quality of people life with motor impairments. The group is looking for collaboration agreements with institutions or companies that want to be part of the "Loyalty Technological Program" Moreover, the group is interested in reaching license, collaboration, manufacturing or commercial agreements with technical assistance with orthopaedics, medical equipment, and health technology companies. Other kind of institutions interested in sponsoring this invention are also welcome.Universidad de Alicante posted this:
Wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation (EC)The Department of Physical Chemistry (Applied Electrochemical Group LEQA) at the University of Alicante has a high experience and know-how to develop and carry out the removal of pollutants in wastewaters by electrocoagulation (EC). A pilot plant fully equipped with the necessary infrastructure and with ability to treat 100L/h of wastes is available in order to develop the pre-industrial phase and scaling-up of these processes. This technology could be of interest to several industries: chemical, tannery, textile, etc. Innovative aspects of the tecnology: - The EC cell is controlled electrically and have no moving parts, thus requires less maintenance - The EC process avoids uses of chemicals and so there is no problem of neutralizing excess chemicals. - EC produces effluent with less total dissolved solids (TDS) content as compared with chemical treatments.UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS posted this:
Wastewater treatment installation in small townsResearchers from the University of Burgos have developed an installation for the purification of wastewater in small towns, offering an economic and environmental solution, with multiple advantages. In Spain, 47% of the municipalities have less than 500 inhabitants, the possible beneficiaries of this technology.Claude Waudoit posted this:
Water and Energy saving faucetsIn order to reduce the waiting time for hot water, we usually install hot water circulation loops that waste a lot of energy. The waiting time for hot water is uncomfortable and makes you waste +/- 10 gal of water/day/house to the sink. To overcome the problem and to avoid user's complaints, most plumbers adds a hot water recirculation loop that keep the water in the hot water supply pipe hot. This type of hot water circulating loop provides nearly instant hot water at the fixtures but wastes a tremendous amount of energy (pump consumption plus pipes heat dissipation). Measured energy wasted in the hot water recirculation loop in a 2-story, 3,200 sf. house: - Continuous recirculation: 21 KWh/day corresponding to 875 W continuously, 1600 € /year. - With timer and aquastat: over 10 KWh/day, corresponding to 410 W continuously, 800 €/year. - Demand control (manual actuation, then wait 1 min.): 2 KWh/day, corresponding to 80W continuously, 160€/year Up to 20% of the house energy consumption is wasted only to reduce the waiting time for hot water. The Water & Energy saving faucet provide access to the hot water within seconds, as fast as if you had a hot water recycling loop installed, but it do not wastes a single drop of water and it do not wastes any energy at all.
InventorIMDEA Water Institute posted this:
Water and soil laboratory with accreditation ISO 17025 ENIMDEA Water labs joined the Laboratory and Infrastructure Network of the Community of Madrid in 2009, with reference number 267. The labs perform several physico-chemical, microbiological and chromatographic analyses associated with quality control of water bodies and soils. The IMDEA laboratories are currently engaged in the application process for formal acknowledgement of technical competence as a laboratory for water analysis by ENAC (National Accreditation Entity) accreditation, to ensure confidence in test results: Accreditation ISO 17025 EN. For the determination of the following parameters: pH, conductivity, suspended solids, DQO, DBO5, total phosphorus and TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen).University of Waterloo posted this:
Water based ion trap for quantum computingBackground During the last few decades, different techniques have been developed for building the main component of quantum computers, i.e. quantum bits (qubits), including superconducting loops, spin-based quantum dots, coupled quantum wire and diamond vacancies to name a few. Trapped Ions (TI) devices are leading candidates for building qubits for quantum computing. Existing methods of creating TI require designing/manufacture complex micro/nano fabricated devices and extensive use of laser sources to cool down ions and entrap them. These methods are typically very expensive and are not easily scalable for harnessing a large quantity of trapped ions. A scalable method/device for creating TI could enable utilization of multiple qubits to perform necessary computational tasks, propelling the pursuit of practical quantum computation.IMDEA Water Institute posted this:
Water Footprint assessment to minimize the impacts to the Water Footprint valueWater footprint is a novel indicator of freshwater use, which quantifies the volume of water required by a product, service or activity when and where it is consumed. It includes both direct and indirect freshwater consumption. It also provides information on sustainability, by comparing the Water Footprint value with the availability and quality of water resource in situ. The final aim is to manage an improvement strategy designed to minimize the impacts related to this Water Footprint value. The three colours of water: • Green water. Rainwater, stored in soil as humidity, removed by plants in evapotranspiration processes. It is the main component in agrifood industries. • Blue water. Water volume that depends on a more or less complex infrastructure for its use. Its origin may be surface or subterranean. The traditional indicators for water use have focused on this component. • Grey water. Water volume that is required to buffer the concentration of pollutants that are spread in the environment. It depends on the quantity and quality of the spill, the essential quality of the receiving environment and the standards that are used to assess the environmental quality. Water footprint can be assessed in multiple scopes or levels (process, product, consumer, producer, business) by considering both direct and indirect impacts over the whole life cycle. Nowadays it is possible to achieve Water Footprint certification by implementing one of these two international standards: • WATER FOOTPRINT NETWORK – Water footprint assessment manual • ISO 14046 – Water footprint – Principles, requirements and guidelinesIMDEA Energy posted this:
Water remediation using novel advanced porous materialsHighly stable porous materials (powder or pellets) specially tailored for the adsorption or degradation of emerging contaminants is here offered. These materials are specifically designed to eliminate novel organic contaminants from water by selective adsorption and/or degradation in the presence (or not) of light (UV-vis or vis), even under continuous flow. We are looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance and research cooperation agreement.IMDEA Water Institute posted this:
Water resources and contaminant transport modellingWhy modelling? Numerical models are important tools in the study of water resources. They can help understand processes (and their importance) that occur in a certain geological context. The rapid progress in the development of numerical models and computer hardware has improved simulation capability to an extent where we can routinely develop basin scale models. One of the main driving forces for hydrogeological model is the need to assess water supply potential of aquifers. Over the past 20 years, however, the emphasis has shifted from water supply problems to water quality issues. This means that while formerly the focus was almost exclusively on developing methods to assess and measure the water-yielding properties of aquifers, now the focus is largely on transport and dispersion processes, retardation and degradation of chemical contaminants. Numerical models are also applied to describe and interpret the reactive processes affecting contaminant transport through the porous media during laboratory-level experiments.Claude Waudoit posted this:
Water-saving mixer tap, the greenest tap that saves Time, Water and Energy.The water saving faucet has the same look and the same functions than a traditional water mixer but it has an additional drain orifice and an internal by-pass controlled by the lever position. - You push the lever down until it locks: the water contained in the hot water pipes is quickly directed to a low pressure expansion tank. - Within a few seconds the hot water reach the tap and a mini thermostatic element unlocks the lever that automatically returns to neutral, indicating that the hot water is available at the faucet.
InventorUniversity of Waterloo posted this:
Water-soluble chromogenic substrates for detecting bacterial beta-lactamasesBackground Approximately 300 million people will die prematurely as a result of antimicrobial drug resistance over the next 35 years resulting in the loss of 60 and 100 trillion USD worth of economic output by 2050 if the spread of antimicrobial drug resistance is not brought under control. Misdiagnosis of bacterial infection and overuse of antibiotics both contribute to antibiotic resistance. It is estimated that per cent of all antibiotic prescriptions world-wide are for β-lactam antibiotics (e.g. penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems), thus the emergence of wide-spread resistance to this class of antibiotics is of particular concern. Current beta-lactamase assay kits utilize Nitrocefin, which is expensive to synthesize, requires refrigerated storage, and has limited applicability to detecting only a sub-set of beta-lactamase producing bacterium. Thus it is imperative to develop diagnostic methods that more quickly, conveniently, and broadly identify the presence of beta-lactamase activity so that an appropriate antibiotic therapeutic strategy is selected.Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI posted this:
Waterproof optical probe with continuous and automatic register for nitrate concentration control of water resources (superficial and groundwater).Currently, nitrate concentration measurement can be done by using different techniques (spectrofotometric analysis, ion selective electrode, colorimetric and chromatographic liquid) by taking a sample from the environment and in a non continuous way. The solution allows the study of the sample in situ and in a continuous way by comparing it with the spectral response of some samples of known nitrate concentration (patterns). These are obtained previously in the laboratory and are essential for the calibration of the probe.Unitat de Valorització de la URV posted this:
WATERSCAN monitoring system to check water quality in real-timeThe WATERSCAN water monitoring biosensor we developed checks water quality in real-time and sends an early warning in case contamination by pesticides is detected. It measures the decrease in photosynthesis efficiency in microalgae in biofilm, caused by pesticides, measured by a Pulse Amplitude Modulated fluorometer. The device for monitoring toxic substances in water includes 2 chambers in series: a 1st monitoring chamber and a 2nd reference chamber with a purifying filter in between . Thus, it is possible to establish a local comparison between a biofilm in contact with purified water from toxic substances and another biofilm in contact with raw water and, with this, discriminate changes due to contaminants. The device contains also passive samplers (POCIS, DGT) that accumulate contaminants and that can be extracted and analysed in laboratory when the alarm is triggered. Finally, the prototype is easy to transport, that can fit in a 25 kg baggage.
Licensing Manager at Fundació URVUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC posted this:
WAVELENGTH SHIFTER MODULE FOR OPTICAL FIBER ACCESS COMMUNICATIONSThis Optical Network Unit (ONU) for next-generation optical access networks (FTTH PONs) shifts the down-stream wavelength in the optical spectrum for remodulation at the Customer Premises and transmission in the up-stream direction.Rohan Joy Mathew posted this:
Wearable Vibrotactile Speech Aid for Enhanced Speech Perception- Transforms auditory speech into vibrotactile feedback for improved speech perception. - Enhances speech recognition in noisy environments or for hearing-impaired individuals. - Utilizes an array of vibrotactile transducers to generate distinct vibration patterns.
Program Specialist at Georgetown UniversityJorian Bos posted this:
WEBIO - AI-driven Customer Engagement via Conversational MessagingWebio uses the power of AI and machine learning to introduce a 'blended approach' to customer engagement that lets automated bots work alongside contact center agents to seamlessly engage with customers via messaging apps and voice-first interfaces to deliver optimal customer conversation outcomes.
Other at EIT DigitalPulsa posted this:
Weight & gas pressure IoT sensor telemetry solution with machine learning predictive inventoryPulsa provides predictive inventory via purpose-built, connected hardware and an advanced machine learning backend. We are able to understand variable consumption and tell our customers when they actually need to refill or reorder inventory, instead of repeatedly checking every item. We have built our product to address a large portion of the real-time inventory market, and we are initially focused on industrial gas cylinders. We can eliminate production down time due to depleted gas cylinders and reduce the number of cylinders held in inventory. Our solution, compared to other existing in-market solutions, is significantly more affordable (10x more affordable than existing solutions) and easier to set up (out of box set-up, does not require technical experience) than existing inventory telemetry products. It also combines the real time inventory knowledge with an advanced machine learning backend that predicts when inventory needs to be replenished and notifies end users.Universidad de Alicante posted this:
Weighted suit to enhance muscle developmentThe research group has developed a weighted suit that enhances muscle development. It is very simple: it improves ergonomics, avoids rubbing, it is easy to use (the suit can be worn throughout the day) and is designed to avoid injuries and pathologies and increase training time. The suit has weighted segments arranged proportionally over all the different parts of the user’s body (the exact arrangement is determined by personalised anthropometric studies). The group is seeking companies interested in acquiring and using the technology. Innovative features: The suit is fitted with weighted segments arranged proportionally over the different parts of the user’s body, leaving the head, hands, feet and main joints free. Each segment is allocated a greater or lesser load according to the user’s needs and the activity to be carried out. The arrangement of the weights is determined by personalised anthropometric studies using the Marfell-Jones methodology. The suit is ergonomic and avoids rubbing, is easy to use (it allows muscle development while the user is not training, thus saving time) and, most importantly, does not cause injuries or pathologies.Agro Biotech International Exports Pvt. Lt. posted this:
White turmeric (Curcuma aromatica Salisb) is a multi face herbalWhite Turmeric (Curcuma aromatica Salisb) is a multi faced herbal used in the Cosmetic industries to cancer research institutes. We have the sufficiant raw materials for export. It is used for anti fertility usage. The practice of traditional medicine for the control of fertility in most parts of India is based on the uses of plant medicines for many years. Anti-inflammatory and wound healing activity of topical application of Curcuma aromatica Salisb.CSIR posted this:
Wide Area Surveillance Platform (WASP)Method to generate real-time high resolution imagery of a 360 scene. The data from multiple high resolution digital cameras is stitched into a single live panoramic/hemispherical image. It is possible to zoom in on areas of the image to view more detail.CSIR posted this:
Wide-area surveillance systemThe CSIR has developed a surveillance system that detects and localises moving targets, over large areas and identifies them as humans or animals. The Kruger National Park houses one quarter of the world’s rhino population and has often become the target of poaching syndicates. The CSIR’s surveillance solution was optimised to operate in the undulating, bush savannah environment, in all weather conditions, day and night, without disturbance. The system is mobile and can be moved between different locations and can operate in a self-sustaining mode for months on end. Findings from its deployment in the Kruger National Park indicated that the high-resolution images acquired are of a quality that is suitable for use in the prosecution of captured would-be poachers. The system has undergone several upgrades to ensure the design is optimal for the changing environment. Researchers have also developed a new-generation staring array radar. This is capable of providing sufficient information to perform radar-based target classification that would not require an optical system for classification. It also enables autonomous operation, reducing operational cost and the need for operators. The surveillance system has been used successfully in counter poaching operations. It is the ideal security solution for surveillance of farms, large commercial sites, land and marine border zones. Technology enhancement to reduce the system’s weight and improve its imagery is ongoing.Universidad de Alicante posted this:
Wind flow Interface concentrator for VAWTThe researchers of the University have developed a wind flow concentrator incorporated into a Vertical Axe Wind (VAWT), which allows a significant increase in wind speed before being injected to the turbine. The system allows the optimization of the currents with independence of its direction and it is applicable to any type of VAWT. It is suitable for any type of building.Francisco Rodríguez posted this:
Winemaking yeast for use in nitrogen-deficient mustsWe are currently seeking strategic partners for licensing or collaborative research to apply and use this strain in the production of commercial wines. Non-transgenic yeast strains of Saccaromyces cerevisiae (identified as ‘686’), genetically enhanced to produce wine from nitrogen-deficient musts, as a product of a genetic enhancement program for the efficient use of natural nitrogen sources in musts.
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