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CSIR posted this:
VeristicPrint biometric technologyThe CSIR’s VeristicPrint biometric technology is an end-to-end biometric system that uses digital imaging devices such as smart phones, webcams and digital cameras to create fingerprint scanners. The technology provides institutions in need of access security, with an affordable, locally sourced, contactless fingerprint solution that can be integrated with existing biometric systems. The solution is relevant for use in a world that is pursuing social distancing and avoidance of activities and technologies that have a high likelihood of spreading germs and viruses, as became necessary during the Covid-19 pandemic. The biometric technology is underpinned by a unique and proprietary modular technology base, that confers compelling state of the art functionality. VeristicPrint is able to effortlessly accept colour photographs of fingerprints, extract the relevant patterns, encrypt and accurately authenticate to enrolled databases in a highly secure manner, amongst other functionalities. The system’s ability to be integrated to existing biometric systems sets it apart from similar technologies and enables the CSIR to support many organisations with the capability. VeristicPrint technology has proven to be compatible with existing systems. This was achieved by normalising the resolutions of all fingerprints captured by digital devices to ensure that different devices are compatible with each other, including existing commercial touch-based systems. The introduction of an affordable biometric solution that does not rely on specialised hardware means that small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) and non-governmental organisations have access to contactless biometrics at affordable prices, using devices such as smartphones. The CSIR has partnered with a local SMMEs that specialises in finance technology, which became the first user of the technology under the terms of a pilot licence. VeristicPrint technology is available for non-exclusive licensing with the CSIR.Jorian Bos posted this:
VERSABOX - Smart Intra-LogisticsVersaBox is a Smart Robotics company. We bring together talents of new generation of innovators, software designers and engineers to develop world class, advanced technology solutions for the transforming global manufacturing and logistics. We put autonomy to work for our clients by implementing Smart Intralogistics platform based on autonomous robotic units. VersaBox solutions fill out the growing human workforce deficits with efficient, intelligent devices and enable productivity improvements through new generation of agile intralogistics processes (Intralogistics 4.0). We achieve this by implementing systems of collaborative autonomous robotic units, orchestrated by an innovative process management platform.
Other at EIT DigitalJordi Reverter posted this:
Versatile magnetic/optical device for advanced nanotherapiesLow cost device that allows the simultaneous or sequential induction of both magnetic and optical hyperthermia. For use in local treatments, this is the first time these two heat induction mechanisms have been combined in a single device
Licensing Manager at Institut Català de Nanociència i NanotecnologiaLaser Consult Ltd. posted this:
Vertical axis wind turbine for slow and changing wind speedOne of our partner company active in the fields of construction, trade and services has developed a solution to accelerate and regulate the wind speed to handle low wind speed and high wind gusts. The presented product is in the capacity range where other vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are however its energy production is more effective. The Hungarian firm is looking for industrial partners interested in licence agreement.Arkadiusz Rudawski, PhD posted this:
Vertical centrifugal honey dehydrator (VCHD)/honey dryerProposed VCHD allows the beekeepers (owners of small and medium apiaries) to dehydrate honey faster and cheaper than with the use of products available on the market nowadays. The cost of the VCHD is also lower than the cost of typical commercial honey dehydrators. What’s more. The VCHD is also multifunctional. It allows for: creaming honey, drying pollen and, after minor reconfiguration, it can act as a honey centrifuge.
Technology Broker at Cracow University of TechnologyDirección de Transferencia Tecnológica (DIT) Universidad Adolfo IbáñezUniversidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Dirección de Transferencia Tecnológica (DIT) Universidad Adolfo IbáñezAgente de Innovación at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
View ProfileDirección de Transferencia Tecnológica (DIT) Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez posted this:
Vertical Harp-Shaped Fog HarvesterThe present technology consists of a water collector device for suspended water such as fog. This device is constructed with several mesh with vertical threads, which are closely spaced in a harp-like shape, thereby optimizing the water capture rate from fog. This structuring of the collector solves three of the major problems encountered in classical models: 1. Fragility of the Raschel mesh, which easily breaks in the presence of wind currents. 2. Bottleneck failure due to the air not being forced to pass through the densest area of the sieve. 3. Failure to minimize area, because the dense area is not aligned with the frontal area.
Agente de Innovación at Universidad Adolfo IbáñezUniversidad de Alcalá-OTRI posted this:
Very active aluminum catalysts in glycidyl methacrylate ring opening polymerization, with application in electronic devicesThe research group in "Organometallic Complexes in Catalytic Processes" of the University of Alcalá presents the synthesis of aluminum aryloxide compounds and their application in glycidyl methacrylate ring opening polymerization processes. The most frequent use of this polymer is as photocurable material with optimal characteristics for use in electronic devices. The research group looks for companies in the electronic industry, especially those dedicated to the preparation of electronic components, to reach patent licensing agreements, collaborative or commercial agreements with technical assistance.Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de PueblaBenemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de PueblaPublic Agency
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla posted this:
Vestibular prosthesis with micro-electric-mechanical sensorsA vestibular prosthesis includes micro-electric-mechanical (MEMS) sensors, gyroscopes in each sensitivity axis (X, Y, Z), accelerometers in each sensitivity axis (X, Y, Z) to detect an angular and linear movement providing displacement measurements, gyroscopes in each one of the spatial axes (X, Y, Z), a microprocessor connected to the MEMS sensors and producing an electric pulse pattern or a continuous galvanic current pattern, a conditioning unit that amplifies and conditions the microprocessor output to apply current to the stimulation electrodes, the microcontroller being configured to determine the displacement of the cupula and the otolithic mass, determine a membrane potential as a result of a displacement detected by the MEMS sensors by means of determining a transduction current, and determine an action potential discharge pattern for the primary afferent neuron,; which synapses with the hair cell by means of a mathematical model of the informative process of the vestibular mechanoreceptor.Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC posted this:
Vibration-Assisted ball burnishingA solution for surface enhancement through acoustoplasticity. An innovative system to modify the surface integrity, i.e. surface texture and roughness, hardness and residual stress, of previously milled workpieces has been developed. The system can be easily integrated in real manufacturing environments, but should be tested with that aim. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC posted this:
Vibration-Assisted ball burnishingThe manufacturing industry demands effective finishing processes to which workpieces could be subjected to enhance their future in-service performance. This need is especially required for innovative materials, as they usually show a detrimental surface integrity state due to their low machinability. In the transportation industry, the manufacturing of components such as turbine blades, requires the application of local processes that could reinforce critical areas of the workpiece that are subjected to demanding regimes, such as fatigue. Improving the surface and near-surface texture, roughness, residual stress and hardness is a mean to prevent crack growth and enhance the behaviour of these components. In this context, the vibration-assisted ball burnishing tool has proved positive results in laboratory applications, and is ready for a leap forward into the industry.Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC posted this:
Vibration-Assisted ball burnishingSurface enhancement through acoustoplasticity . An innovative system to modify the surface integrity, i.e. surface texture and roughness, hardness and residual stress, of previously milled workpieces has been developed. The system can be easily integrated in real manufacturing environments, but should be tested with that aim. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC posted this:
Vibration-Assisted ball burnishing. A solution for Surface enhancement through acoustoplasticity An innovative system to modify the surface integrity, i.e. surface texture and roughness, hardness and residual stress, of previously milled workpieces has beThe Challenge The manufacturing industry demands effective finishing processes to which workpieces could be subjected to enhance their future in-service performance. This need is especially required for innovative materials, as they usually show a detrimental surface integrity state due to their low machinability. In the transportation industry, the manufacturing of components such as turbine blades, requires the application of local processes that could reinforce critical areas of the workpiece that are subjected to demanding regimes, such as fatigue. Improving the surface and near-surface texture, roughness, residual stress and hardness is a mean to prevent crack growth and enhance the behavior of these components. In this context, the vibration-assisted ball burnishing tool has proved positive results in laboratory applications, and is ready for a leap forward into the industry,Servei de Gestió de la InnovacióUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
Servei de Gestió de la InnovacióLicensing Manager at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
View ProfileServei de Gestió de la Innovació posted this:
Vibration-assisted ball burnishing: A solution for Surface enhancement through acoustoplasticityAn innovative system to modify the surface integrity, i.e. surface texture and roughness, hardness and residual stress, of previously milled workpieces has been developed. The system can be easily integrated in real manufacturing environments, but should be tested with that aim. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
Licensing Manager at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPCUniversidad de Alcalá-OTRI posted this:
Vibroacoustic spectrometry system for the non-destructive analysis of materialsThe research group "Radiation and Sensing Group" of the University of Alcalá presents a system of non-destructive analysis of materials and structures, by spectral study of the indirect vibroacoustic excitations of the materials analyzed. By means of this system it is possible to perform in situ the analysis of materials and structures without previous treatments, solving with that the need to use coupling liquids that the current ultrasonic based systems currently use. The group seeks to reach licensing agreements, collaboration agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance, with companies from the agrofood, pharmacy, construction, ceramics, wood, cork and other materials sectors.Heikki Erola posted this:
Video Interviews with auto-learning speech recognition and AI personality analysisHayStack is an Artificial Intelligence, video interview solution that automatically analyses and matches personality, values and needs. It helps you to select people that can make the biggest positive impact in your business - people that help you to innovate more, grow faster, satisfy customer better.
Founder and CEO at HayStack AnalyticaUniversidad de Alcalá-OTRI posted this:
Video surveillance system and intelligence monitoritation.GEINTRA is a research group from the Department of electronics of the University of Alcala. They offer solutions for video surveillance and intelligent monitoring from the information provided by different sensors. This technological solution can be use in different applications, among which highlights people detection and object identification and tracking. Their main advantages are its versatility to be used with different objectives and in different operating environments, the intelligence of the process and control system (extracting reliable statistics, position and orientation, size, counting, mobility and other physics of the object). The group is looking for security companies, companies working in events planning or gauging control, to achieve technical collaboration agreements.Covid-19 Innovation Challenges by Innoget posted this:
Viral RNA-dependent RNA PolymerasesViral RNA-dependent RNA Polymerases (RdRPs) Targeted Library (1259 compounds) with predicted activity against viral RdRPs is offered. It has been carefully designed using machine learning (artificial neural networks and Bayesian statisticsTaras Maiula posted this:
Viral RNA-dependent RNA PolymerasesViral RNA-dependent RNA Polymerases (RdRPs) Targeted Library (1259 compounds) with predicted activity against viral RdRPs is offered. It has been carefully designed using machine learning (artificial neural networks and Bayesian statistics
Head of the QC department at Otava Research InstitutePeter Mogyorosi posted this:
Vision Dynamix - High precision, real-time 3D mapping systemVision Dynamix is a hi-tech spin off company formed in 2016 on UKIM - FEIT with a purpose of developing a system for 3D mapping with high precision in real time. Formed based on a project for the master thesis of Dushko Murtovski MSc. Using a single camera he developed a drone based system for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). Dushko is co-founder of Vision Dynamix. The thesis was developed by mentorship of Prof. Dr. Mile Stankovski who is the second co-founder.
CEO at Laser Consult Ltd.Universitat de Girona posted this:
ViTAM, Videoconferencing multiplatform solutionsThe main innovation aspects in ViTAM are the following: - Simple and usable user interfaces. User interfaces are asymmetrical, differing from the patient and the professional. While the patient’s interface is extremely simplified, the professional’s side keeps a slightly higher complexity to keep control of the videoconferencing. This approach facilitates at most the use of technology by non-experts. - Specially designed for medical and social consultations. It implements two innovative operation modes not available in the market: the online consultation with waiting room and the videoconferencing call centre (coming soon). - Multiplatform and Multidevice. It is multiplatform (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS) and multidevice (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone). - Easy integration. It can be easily integrated in or with other applications, as well as connect with external services (e.g. electronic health record, calendar). - Customisation. It can be customised not only in terms of graphical user interface but also in the workflow so as to implement new personalised videoconferencing scenarios. - Single and multiple videoconferencing. It offers 1 to 1 videoconferencing and multivideoconferencing in a single and unified interface. - Privacy. It ensures privacy protection by providing communications and data protection and enables its deployment on certified medical data management servers. - Sensors. It can be implemented as a background application running on the device, which can receive incoming connection requests, which can be useful when linked to sensors data alarms (e.g. blood pressure).Asgard Consulting posted this:
Volumetric protector of burned or wounded extremitiesOur client has developed a technology based on non-woven polypropylene fabric (similar to that of surgical masks), breathable (85%) and with a screen effect against microbial flora, to isolate extremities affected (arms, hands, feet or legs.) in a safe environment. , feet or legs), allowing the evolution of the wound to be checked, as it is transparent. The product is a Class I medical device and its manufacture is guaranteed with the appropriate machinery in operation. The company is looking for a company interested in taking charge of the project in its entirety, covering the final phases of development and its commercialization. They are not interested in a royalty dealBrunel University London posted this:
Vulcanaer: Air Hybrid for Diesel EnginesVulcanaer is a novel regenerative hybrid engine system for diesel transport systems, particularly urban busses and delivery trucks. It converts a vehicle engine into an air pump during decelerations. It harvests the braking energy and stores it as compressed air for subsequent use to restart the engine in stop/start operation, saving battery and starter motor life. It also saves fuel as the compressed air also assists the normal engine-driven air compressor. Furthermore it can enhance the turbo thus reducing black smoke during acceleration from stationary
Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI posted this:
Walker for the mobility of people with motor disability.A research group from the Signal Theory and Communications Department of Alcalá University has developed a disability walker for improving the mobility of people with motor disability. This walker includes a guide for the leg together with an electronic system, that improves the user of manoeuvrability allowing the configuration of basic actions. This invention is part of the "Loyalty Technological Program," which has been designed by the research group to raise funds for the development and adaptation of technical aids that improve the quality of people life with motor impairments. The group is looking for collaboration agreements with institutions or companies that want to be part of the "Loyalty Technological Program" Moreover, the group is interested in reaching license, collaboration, manufacturing or commercial agreements with technical assistance with orthopaedics, medical equipment, and health technology companies. Other kind of institutions interested in sponsoring this invention are also welcome.Universidad de Alicante posted this:
Wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation (EC)The Department of Physical Chemistry (Applied Electrochemical Group LEQA) at the University of Alicante has a high experience and know-how to develop and carry out the removal of pollutants in wastewaters by electrocoagulation (EC). A pilot plant fully equipped with the necessary infrastructure and with ability to treat 100L/h of wastes is available in order to develop the pre-industrial phase and scaling-up of these processes. This technology could be of interest to several industries: chemical, tannery, textile, etc. Innovative aspects of the tecnology: - The EC cell is controlled electrically and have no moving parts, thus requires less maintenance - The EC process avoids uses of chemicals and so there is no problem of neutralizing excess chemicals. - EC produces effluent with less total dissolved solids (TDS) content as compared with chemical treatments.UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS posted this:
Wastewater treatment installation in small townsResearchers from the University of Burgos have developed an installation for the purification of wastewater in small towns, offering an economic and environmental solution, with multiple advantages. In Spain, 47% of the municipalities have less than 500 inhabitants, the possible beneficiaries of this technology.