Showing 1 to 15 of 16 results

Vertical Harp-Shaped Fog Harvester
Patents for licensing Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Fire Retardant Apparatus (FRA): Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation Through Optimized Wildfire Management
Innovative Products and Technologies Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Remote Plant Monitoring System for multiples variables
Knowhow and Research output Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Green Cements, an innovative way to reduce clinker usage while reusing slag
Knowhow and Research output Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Neocoach: Enhance Athlete Performance Through Personalized Neurocognitive Training
Innovative Products and Technologies Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Rich Fertilize in Siderophore, that allows to cure iron chlorosis
Patents for licensing Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Alzheimer Early Test, a machine learning method to preemptively detect Alzheimer desease.
Knowhow and Research output Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Magnetics Nanotubes for Electromagnetic Interference Blocking
Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Green Cements, an innovative way to reduce clinker usage while reusing slag
Knowhow and Research output Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

GEMA (Energy Micro-web Storage Managerial)
Knowhow and Research output Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

MBHT. Territorial Human Well-Being Matrix
Knowhow and Research output Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Durable Cement Coatings for Marine Constructions that Promote Biodiversity
Innovative Products and Technologies Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Granular Biomass: Method for Wastewater Treatment
Innovative Products and Technologies Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Antibacterial Nano-Spheres, wide range of applications
Patents for licensing Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez